英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1029 - 大男子主义盛行导致剩女多(在线收听

 Topic1 Civil service exam sees fewer applicants due to graft crackdownChina's once popular civil service exam has seen fewer applicants this year.

According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, about 1.4 million eligible candidates have signed up for the 2015 exam, compared with 1.52 million last year.
Has the "civil servant fever" cooled down? Why?
Topic2 College Students Become Street VendorsMore and more highly educated college students chose to become street vendors who sell low-cost products such as ruojiamo (a Shanxi specialty consisting of a pita-like bun filled with fatty pork and shredded vegetables), vegetables, rice noodles, and so on after their graduation.
Topic3 Delivery Apps Deliver Dirty FoodFood delivery apps are convenient for people who don't have time to cook or just hate cooking. With a few clicks, food can be sent to their apartments. However, according to a CCTV report, some of the dished are made in very filthy and stinky restaurants.
Is there a problem with these food delivery apps as reported?
Topic4 Better hearing care needed in ChinaDespite mushrooming sales of hearing aids during the past few years, China still needs better hearing care.
China's aging population combined with a growing middle class is expected to provide huge growth potential for hearing aid makers.
Though the potential exists, the country still lags in the ratio of people suffering from hearing impairments to those who undergo hearing correction.
Is there a lack of good hearing care in China?
Topic5 Gender imbalance and good economic performanceThey say a good man is hard to find, but that's not the case in China, where men overwhelmingly outnumber women.
An economist Wei Shangjin says in the next 10 years, gender imbalance amongst the Chinese young will continue to aggravate, as one in nine men will not be able to find a spouse ten years from now. He further predicts that this gender issue would actually stimulate growth for China's economy.
Before going into the economics, let's look at the social side of things. How serious is the gender imbalance problem and what is the prospect?
Topic6 Chinese Male Chauvinists Lead to More Leftover WomenRecently, ABC Spanish Daily Newspaper publishes an article saying that in China, if a single woman is aged above 30, no matter how pretty or smart she is, it is very difficult for her to find a suitable marriage partner. The newspaper attributes the problem to male chauvinism in China.
Does it make sense?