历史上的今天-Today in History 2012-06-27(在线收听

 June 27th, 1950President Harry Truman orders American air and naval forces into the Korean War, on the side of South Korea. That happens after the United Nations urges its members to help repel communist North Korea's invasion of the non-communist South.

We must and we shall give every possible assistance to people who are determined to maintain their independence. We must counteract the Communist weapon of fear.
1973,In Washington, former White House Counsel John Dean tells the Senate Watergate Committee about an enemies list kept by President Richard Nixon's White House.
1969,Patrons at the Stonewall Inn fight back after police raid the gay bar in New York City's Greenwich Village. The clashes are considered the birth of the modern gay rights movement, as Tom Clifford recalls years later during a gay pride parade in the Big Apple. No one wants a encouraging act, but it really was a spark that calls people to say, 'We are not gonna to take this any more.'"And 2001,How many me do you see? One, one cheap chiselling shyster lawyer who of all people had to marry my sister.
Oscar winning actor Jack Lemmon dies of cancer in Los Angeles. Lemmon, whose roles include “The Odd Couple”, “Some Like It Hot”, and “Grumpy Old Men”, was 76.
Today in History, June 27th, Tim Maguire, the Associated Press.