历史上的今天-Today in History 2012-08-21(在线收听

 August 21st, 1991In Moscow, a coup by hard-line Communists against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev collapses, leading the popular uprising against the coup plotter Boris Yeltsin, President of the Russian Federation.

Gorbachev returns to power. But the Soviet Union dissolves by the end of the year, effectively ending the cold war.
1940In Mexico City, Leon Trotsky, the exiled Russian revolutionary, dies after an assassin drives an ax-pick into his skull.
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Trotsky`s long time rival for power, is widely believed to have arranged the murder.
1831In Virginia, Nat Turner leads the slave rebellion, hoping to spark a slave uprising in the South. Dozens of whites are killed before the violent revolt is quickly defeated.
Turner is later captured, tried and hanged.
1959The American flag gets its 50th star as President Dwight Eisenhower signs an executive order proclaiming Hawaii a State.
1904“Count” Basie, one of Jazz music`s greatest bandleaders is born in Red Bank, New Jersey.
And 1938There will be time enough for countin' when the dealin's doneKenny Rogers, the country singer and song writer with decades of hits is born in Houston, Texas.
Today in history, August 21st, Sophia Manos, the Associate Press.