英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0202 - 学了很多道理,却依然当不好父母(在线收听

 Topic1 Popularization of science on GM food written into key documentFor the seventh time, genetically modified has been mentioned in the first major policy document of each year released by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.

Abbreviated as the "No. 1 Central Document", this year's policy document has for the first time emphasized popularization of GM knowledge among the Chinese public.
What does it mean?
Topic2 13 Million Abortions in China Every YearAccording to the technology research center under the National Health and Family Planning Commission, about 13 million abortions are carried out in China annually, and sixty-two percent of these abortions are performed on unmarried women aged between 20 and 29. Nearly 20 percent have had more than one abortion. China's high abortion rate triggers public concerns. What are the reasons behind? How to solve this problem?
Is it a serious problem?
Topic3 More Chinese Tourists Go To JapanThe total number of Chinese tourists to Japan reached 2.2 million in 2014, with a year-on-year increase of about 82%. Heyang is actually one of the 2.2 million.
Why the sharp increase?
Topic4 5 types of parents gone badYou don't have to learn how to be a kid. But you do to be a parent.
While some Chinese work hard to become great parents, they sometimes would overdo it.
Is there a problem of good parenting gone bad in China?
Why should we care?
Topic5 Over 100,000 in Xiaman Have OCDMore than 100 thousand residents in Xiamen city have OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder. That is 1 in every 38 people.
Is OCD a big problem in China?