英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0212 - 初恋成功率(在线收听

 Topic 1: Medical records found with junk sellers leading to information leakAccording to the newspaper Legal Evening News, patient's medical records have been sold to waste collectors.

Patient information such as age, medical history, and contact information could be bought in stacks.
Is this a problem?
Topic 2: Man who opened plane's emergency exit says 'the door is not important'
In theory, the emergency exit is the last thing airplane passengers would want to open.
But it appears that one more Chinese person has joined those who opened the emergency exit when it was not necessary.
Now this Chinese man who opened the emergency exit of an aircraft at a Nanjing airport on Monday will have to spend next week's Lunar New Year holiday in prison.
Topic 3: Chinese Dama ate instant noodles in front of Italian Gucci storeChinese middle aged women or dama are in the spotlight again.
According to Hong Kong Daily News, an Italian has posted a picture online of five Chinese Dama eating instant noodles in front of a Gucci store.
The scene is said to have attracted passersby's curious looks.
Topic 4: Shows that start consumption trends The American erotic romantic drama film Fifty Shades of Grey has become a hot topic recently, although Chinese viewers are not going to see it on the mainland's big screens. According to New York Times, the sex toy industry is counting on a spike surrounding the Valentines Day release of the movie.
Topic 5: First love have 20% survival rateAccording to a recent survey, only 20% of the people can get married with their first love.
Why the success rate is so low?
Is it a good thing or a sad thing?