英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0309 - 中学防狼手册,叔叔我们不约(在线收听

 Topic1 Chinese parents Buy Expensive Apartments to Send Children to Good SchoolsA recent survey shows more than 46% of Chinese parents in first tier cities would buy or rent apartments in areas that guarantee their children go to the best primary schools.

These so-called "school-district homes" or 学区房 in Chinese represent one of the hottest property sectors in China, with shoe-box type units fetching astronomical prices if the location is right.
What is a school district apartment? Are Chinese parents insane?
Topic2 Male Students Offered Guide to Online Sexual HarassmentRecently, a booklet that teaches middle school student how to stay away from online harassment goes viral. People find the case analysis in the guide amusing, which contains tips for both female and male students.
Will it really work?
Topic3 Discount movie ticketsHow would you feel about seeing a movie for 19.9 yuan ($3.17) or even just 9.9 yuan? No, I'm not kidding you.
During the recent Spring Festival Holiday and Women's Day, a number of e-commerce companies in China were offering movie tickets at extremely low prices. With prices like these, spending less than 20 yuan a person for a two-hour trip to the cinema became a popular choice for entertainment for many moviegoers in China.
However, while these low prices managed to get more people into seats, some insiders point out that these promotions carry a number of hidden dangers that may throw the film industry into chaos.
Are we seeing a "price war" for movie tickets online?
Topic4 Boy refuses to conspire with mother to dodge train ticketThe mother of a fourth grade boy has not only told her son to evade the train ticket fare, but also scolded him for not conspiring with her after being caught on a train from Jiangxi to Beijing.
The boy ended up paying for the ticket with his Spring Festival gift money.
While in central China's Henan province, after a university student saved the lives of two children before drowning, the mother of one of the children coached them to lie about the incident, claiming that the student drowned of his own accord.
Does it mean nothing that parents should be the role models of their own children?