英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0325 - 当广场舞遭遇“国标”(在线收听

 Topic1 Being A Nurse Is HardRecently, the National Health and Family Planning Department and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued a notice on improving nursing care, especially regarding the cold attitude and impatience of nurses. This notice caused heated discussions among the public.

Have you encountered attitude problem from nurses?
Topic2 Square dance to face the musicThe phenomenon of Chinese square-dancing, which is known for generating widespread public complaints about loud music, will be regulated and choreographed by China's sports and culture authorities.
How is square-dancing going to be regulated by Chinese Sports authorities?
Topic3 Empresses in the Palace flops in North AmericaEmpresses in the Palace, the American version of The Legend of Zhenhuan which was made available for streaming on Netflix, has flopped in North America.
The Chinese drama scored low ratings among North American audiences with 2.5 stars in the US and only one star in Canada while the full score is five stars.
Are there many Chinese TV exports to overseas markets? How are they received there?
Topic4 Kids Who Grows up With Excessive Praise Will Become NarcissistsWhen a kid does something amazing, you want to tell her so. You might tell her that she's very smart. You might tell her that she's a very special kid.
However,a new study showed that this may increase the child's chances of becoming a narcissist.
Is it true?