英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0401 - 女生为啥喜欢扎堆看催泪电影(在线收听

 Topic1 Shanxi May Become First Province to Allow Menstrual LeaveA draft labor protection regulation that grants female workers paid leave during menstruation has been unveiled in north China's Shanxi Province.

The draft regulation, if approved by the provincial legislature, might enable Shanxi to become the first region in China that offers a menstrual leave benefit to female employees.
What does it mean? What's it trying to address?
Topic2 Discounts Are Killing China's Travel IndustryChinese online travel site Ctrip operated in the red in 2014, driven by the demands of consumers for discounts, according to its Chief Strategy Officer Jenny Wu.
Is it really the discounts that drove Ctrip into deficit?
Topic3 Chinese Government Crackdown Forces Officials To Learn To DriveMany senior government officials in China have had to learn to drive after their chauffeur-driven cars were taken off them as part of efforts to curb wasteful and extravagant spending.
But some are so used to taking charge and having their own way that they make poor students.
What's going on? Do these officials have difficulty learning how to drive?
Topic4 Americans Less Interested in Learning ChineseAmerican students are getting cold feet about studying Chinese in China, with many study-abroad programs in the US seeing a substantial drop in enrolment over the last few years, according to Reuters.
Why is it?
Topic5 Women like weeping moviesIt has long been a mystery to men why so many women enjoy watching tear jerker movies with their friends. But now scientists have come up with a suggestion – sharing sad emotions helps women bond.
Is this true?