英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0429 - 冯导炮轰《速7》不走心(在线收听

 Topic1 Apartment Before MarriageA recent survey in the housing markets revealed that the majority of women believe that you should buy a house before getting married.

Do you agree?
Topic2 Feng Xiaogang Slams Fast and Furious7Everyone has his own likes and dislikes for films. Even though the action movie Fast & Furious 7 has officially become the highest-grossing film ever in China, it still disappoints renowned director Feng Xiaogang.
Recently in a variety show, Feng said: "why can't I see the humanity in this film?"Is what he says controversial?
Topic3 Beijing's smokers turn to novel methods to kick the habit before citywide ban comes into effectNew regulations in Beijing banning smoking in all indoor public spaces, including offices, restaurants and public transport, are set to come into effect on June 1, as part of what has been called the government's toughest anti-smoking campaign yet.
Some smokers view the ban as an opportunity to kick their habit for good. But they're going to need all the help they can gather.
Do smokers have no options but quit after the new ban kicks in?
Topic4 Fake Foreign BrandsAlong with globalization, we can see brands of foreign names everywhere. However, do you know that many of these brands are 100% Chinese?
Recently, a list of 50 fake foreign brands becomes popular online, with some very familiar names, such as Biostime and Vero Moda.
Who are on the list? Have you been fooled by some of them?