英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0506 - 主持人用how-old亲测颜龄!(在线收听

 Topic1 Medicine Price Determined by MarketStarting from next month, the government will lift price ceilings on most medical drugs, with the intention of creating a more market-driven pricing system that will help keep medical costs in check, according to the country's economic planning agency.

Will the medicine price jump or drop?
Topic2 Road RageA 35-second video clip has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in 2 hours Sunday afternoon. It showed a Chinese road rage driver dragged a female driver out of her car and gave her a savage beating. He claims it was reaction to the appalling driving behavior on the woman's part. At first netizens were siding with the female driver. But after dashboard camera recordings show the entire incident, many turned to agree with the attacker.
What happened?
Topic3 Why Do People Care How Old They LookEver worried that people will think you look older than your actual age? Now you can live in your worst nightmare by going on to how-old.net and invite new technology to judge you.
Developed by Microsoft, the website saw an upload of over 210,000 photos within hours of launch. And it seems people are having fun.
How does it work? Can it really tell your age with certain accuracy?
Topic4 260 pages of homework and countingA high school in northwest China's Shaanxi Province has caught public attention for some of its junior students have been assigned with too much homework during the May Day holiday.
What happened?