英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0609 - 私家车出行比例急速上升(在线收听

 Topic 1: Don’t talk to strangersAlmost everyone has the experience of being warned not to speak with strangers in childhood.

However, is it really appropriate for children to receive such an intimidation that strangers are evil when they are quite young?
Topic 2: Composition topics in Chinese test of GaokaoThis year's National College Entrance Exam or Gaokao has concluded.
Over the past few years, the topics of composition, which is the final section of the Chinese language test, has always been a highlight that attracts people’s attention.
This year, some composition topics are regarded as unique, difficult, and even weird.
How would you answer them?
Topic 3: Chinese stick with cars despite pollution concerns: surveyA recent survey indicates that despite growing concerns over environmental protection, many Chinese are refusing to change their means of transportation, fueling a dramatic rise in car usage.
Why the paradox?
Topic 4: Robot Teacher Makes Debut in Chinese UniversityIn China’s Jiangxi Province, a robot teacher has debuted to teach lessons at a local university.
The teaching robot “Xiaomei” is a product of the Jiujiang University's research team, which took a month to make.
It is the first time for schools in Jiangxi to use a robot teacher.
Will robots replace human teachers?