英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0612 - 3分钟对视亲人,你会哭还是笑?(在线收听

 Topic1 Beijing obesity rate hits new highThe Chinese capital's obesity rate set a new high last year as Beijingers are getting bigger and bigger.

According to the latest statistics released by the city municipal commission of health and family planning, out of every 100 adults in Beijing, at least 21 are deemed obese.
One in five Beijingers are obese, is it a big deal? Why should we care?
Topic2 Fast Made Talent Show Stars A Slander on ArtTalent show stars are a disgrace to artistic standards. A journalist from China News Service asked Chinese singer Cai Guoqing what's his thoughts of the recent "fast made-star" phenomenon. Cai says that if people think whoever participate in some TV programs can become a star, it was a slander on art.
Cai Guoqing served as a judge for an entertainment program of Anhui Satellite TV, called Chinese Farmers Singing Talent Show (中国农民歌会).
Do you agree with him?
Topic3 3-min Staring ChallengeCan you keep staring at a family member or closest friend for three minutes? Recently, a so called "3-minutes Staring" challenge from Tencent Video's reality show "Are You Normal" attracted thousands of netizens participating. Many share their feelings afterwards, saying they realized that they had failed to pay enough attention to their closest ones.
Is there a deeper meaning to this challenge?
Topic4 Can Astrology Save Your Marriage?
When it comes to astrology, some fervently believe it, while others dismiss it as pseudo-science. Do you believe astrology could save a marriage? It sounds barmy - but more and more couples are turning to astrologers as marriage counselors. And it may actually work!
Do you believe it?
Topic5 Self-service supermarketA self-service super market opened up in Beijing to test the integrity of customers. With no cashier and no staff present, customers directly put the money in a box before leaving the supermarket with their purchase.
But just one day after its trial operation the supermarket has decided to add sales personnel as there're losses due to shop-lifting.
Some consumers didn't pay at all or just paid a fraction of the price.
Will such a supermarket model work in China?