英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0611 - 腋毛刮还是不刮,是个问题(在线收听

 Topic1 Over 60% of village seniors shun urban retirementOver 60 percent of the seniors in villages are reluctant to move to cities for their retired life, according to the latest report on China's elderly villagers.

The report was based on information from 17,000 seniors in 573 counties, showed that 40 percent of senior villagers prefer living with their children for the rest of their retired life.
Is it a problem that they prefer living in the rural areas?
Topic2 New 1st OU Another drug taking star reported by Chaoyang MassesThe omnipotent Chaoyang residents are on the go again. Latest news says that a CCTV host busted by police while taking drugs fell from a building in Beijing and died. The host as well as another drug user was reported by Chaoyang residents, the so-called "Chaoyang Masses", to the local police.
The phrase "Chaoyang Masses" has been very popular recently with the aid of Internet.
Why are Chaoyang residents so famous?
Topic3 Should Women Shave Armpit Hair?
A recent "Armpit Hair Competition" on Sina Weibo triggers heated debate. The competition was started by a women's rights activist Xiao Meili. Should Women Shave Armpit Hair?
What's going on? Why do we care?
Topic4 Are you satisfied with your look?
Germany market research institute GfK has released findings on how satisfied people are with their personal looks internationally.
The result shows over half of the people asked are fairly satisfied or completely satisfied with their personal looks.
Latin American countries are happiest and Japanese are the most self-critical with their looks. Chinese are in the middle.
Are you satisfied with your look?