英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0616 - 昔日高考状元现如何?(在线收听

 Topic1 Alibaba Enters Online Video MarketPlanning to launch a video streaming service in China, Alibaba Group, the Chinese commercial tycoon, intends to play a more important role in Chinese online digital entertainment market, just like what Netflix and HBO do in the US.

What does Alibaba plan to do?
Topic2 Today 1st OU-Top Gaokao StudentsSince 2007, cuaa.net published annual reports on top scorers of college entrance examination from 1952 to 2015. According to the 2015 report, top scorers' career achievement and contribution fails to meet people's expectation.
What's the general picture? Are these top scorers doing well or not?
Topic3 Outdoor Night Market Arouses Resident DissatisfactionAn outdoor barbeque market in Henan is attracting customers as well as dissatisfaction from residents living in the neighborhood.
And the war escalates recently as a loudspeaker fight begins between the venders and nearby residents.
What's going on? Why is a common neighborhood friction turning so ugly?
Topic4 Forbidden City Caps Visitors at 80,000 DailyThe Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, has capped the daily amount of visitors to 80,000 since last Saturday. Meanwhile, the museum also now requires real name ticketing and all travel agencies to book tickets online. Should museums cap the amount of visitors?
Why does the museum do so?