英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0625 - 出门困难症,你有吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Raising Money Online to Pay Social Compensation Fee for Out-of-wedlock BabiesA woman and her ex-boyfriend have started an online project to raise money to pay for a social compensation fee charged for their out-of-wedlock child, because they're reluctant to pay for the "unreasonable" charge.

Should unmarried couples be charged for social compensation fee for their kids born out of wedlock?
Topic2 100-Year Gap in EducationA new study says that it will take another 100 years for developing countries to reach the levels of developed nations unless drastic measures are taken.
Is it a serious problem?
Topic3 Family reunion leaveDuring the just-ended Duanwu Festival, many people hurried home to visit their parents in just 3 days. In fact, a regulation of the State Council has granted domestic workers paid leave to visit their families once a year if they live far from parents or spouse. However, in reality it is not easy to enjoy this leave. Why is that?
Topic4 Going-Out PhobiaFeel there are always a bunch of things left undone before attending a party and finally arrive lately? Get agitated even without any specific reasons when step out of the door? Well, you may be the victim of going-out-phobia.
What are the symptoms? How to classify the victims?