英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0701 - 中国人平均身高你达标了吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Life Expectancy Map in BeijingA health report released on Monday reveals that the average life expectancy of Beijing citizens reached 81.81 year's old in 2014, with female citizens in downtown Xicheng District reaching the highest life expectancy at 86.82 years' old.

What is the average life expectancy? How can we learn from these figures?
What happened?
Topic2 Students accused of plagiarism for quoting same article in GaokaoIn Southeastern China's Jiangsu Province, several students find their gaokao scores are significantly lower than expected, as they got points deducted for writing similar compositions in the Chinese exam. But the student felt wronged.
What happened?
Topic3 Great Wall is falling apart and needs more protectionPreserving ancient heritage sites is no easy task, especially for one as old and as long as the Great Wall of China. For centuries, the wall has been synonymous with the country it's located in.
But the Great Wall is threatened by both man and nature. Parts of the wall running through the wilderness of Funing County in Hebei Province have been left in ruins with many sections crumbling and large gaping holes seen.
How serious is the problem?
Topic4 Chinese Average HeightA recent report shows the average height of Chinese adult is 167.1cm for male, and 155.8cm for female. Is your height higher or lower than the average?
What's your first reaction after reading these 2 figures?