英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0703 - 2015上半年网络热词,你知道几个?(在线收听

 Topic1 "Upgrading" Chinese PassportsFrench Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced that France decided to offer the 5-year multiple-entry visas to more Chinese passport holders, during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's French tour.

How many countries have provided such policies to Chinese tourists? Will these policies promote a large number of Chinese tourists to go abroad?
Topic2 2015 Internet BuzzwordsMany phrases and sentences have gone viral online in the first six months of 2015. Now that it's the mid-point of the year, Chinese netizens have already summed up a list of Internet buzzwords.
Do you know the meaning of all these buzzwords? Where did they come from?
Topic3 Getting Pregnant According to ScheduleA company in Jiaozuo of Henan Province recently released a regulation, ordering all its female workers to get pregnant according to schedule. Anyone who gets pregnant outside of this schedule will be fined at 1,000 yuan and lose her chances of promotion.
Is it ridiculous?
Topic4 Are you RICH?
Details in life tell how rich you are! Do you feel rich? Check out the 25 details of being rich. If you meet some of them, congratulations! You're on the way to being rich. Or if you fail to meet any of them, congrats to you still: you're normal.
Topic5 Chinese Don't Like to Take Showers?
Taking showers, one of the most common things in our daily life, may also spark discussions in directions that you cannot imagine.
Recently, a report indicates that Chinese take showers once every two days on average, listing on the last place of all investigated countries.
What does the report say?