英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0713 - 忽悠孩子这件小事(在线收听

 Topic1 Heat Wave Hits ChinaThe National Meteorological Center has issued a yellow alert for high temperatures as China is entering the height of summer.

During the weekend, Beijing has also issued this summer's first heat alert as the high surged to 39 degrees Celsius.
How hot was it?
Topic2 Egg FreezingRecently, news of Chinese actress Xu Jinglei freezing her eggs in the U.S. has become a hot topic online. Her action has sparked an echo to many women. However, egg freezing for single women hasn't been approved in China.
What happened? Why is it such a controversy?
Topic3 PhD Degree on Letters and VisitsA recent report reveals that a special major in letters and visits will start to recruit a student for doctorate studies. What will the student learn on this major? Do you think it's necessary to establish such a special major?
What happened?
Topic4 Delivery Workers Have No InsuranceCan you imagine your life without the convenience brought by delivery workers? Although most of us would value their work and contribution, their employers don't. A recent report revealed that most express delivery companies do not provide their employees with working contracts and insurance.
What's the situation?
Topic5 Parents Lie to Kids"Don't lie" is what Chinese parents regard as golden rule that should be told to their children. Lying, nevertheless, is a main weapon used by themselves. Compared to Chinese parents, American parents seem to be more honest before their kids, according to relevant data.
What does the research say?