英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0710 - 你有本事晒填色,你有本事晒画画啊!(在线收听

 Topic1 Apple Watch Sales PlungeApple Watch was predicted to be another magical product because of its integration of timing, monitoring health condition and many other useful functions. However, the sales of Apple Watch plummeted by 90% in American market, according to a new market research.

How bad is the situation?
Topic2 Coloring Book Becomes Popular among AdultsRecently, a coloring book has gained great popularity among adults. It has been sold out on many e-commerce websites.
Coloring books used to be regarded as for children to learn drawing. Why is the book so popular among adults? What's the magic of it?
Topic3 Husband and Wife, Who Benefits More from Marriage?
Next time someone says marriage is the tomb of love, argue back with scientific proof. Sociologists have found many positive benefits for married couples. But the next question is, who benefits more from marriage? Husband or wife?
Topic4 Chinese families of Yale students grow a gardenAt the northern edge of Yale University in the US, a vacant piece of land has been turned into a garden with exotic herbs and vegetables.
They are planted and tended by senior people from China whose children are Yale students.
It has a name—"New Haven".
How and why?