英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0730 - 神剧都去哪儿了?(在线收听

 Topic1 Children face legal hurdles to be adoptedChinese police rescued over 13,000 trafficked children between 2009 and 2011. However, over 90 percent of them had not been able to find their parents via a national DNA database where parents finding missing children can upload their DNA.

What's worse, many of these children were sold by their birth parents to traffickers, which means they may never find their parents, or be eligible for adoption.
What's the situation?
Topic2 Disappearance of "Legendary TV Dramas"As half of the summer vacation has gone, some are sighing for the disappearing of those so-called "Legendary TV Dramas". Is it a trend of time or a pity?
Before we talk about the topic, let's take a listen to a clip of songs from the "Legendary TV Dramas". How many of them did you recognize?
Topic3 Improper Behavior to SculpturesRecently, several photos posted online show that the private parts of some stone sculptures in Xi'an International Horticultural Expo Garden turned black because of frequent touch of visitors. Should such behaviors be frowned upon?
Topic4 Why women like effeminate men?
Women today, at least young women, may have a very different aesthetic appreciation of men. With the popularity of such boy bands TFBoys and EXO, some pose the question are females becoming increasingly fond of effeminate men rather than masculine men.
Is it true that Chinese women like less masculine men now?