英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0804 - 又量又抱,这是来相亲的吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 China to Expand Medical Insurance for Major IllnessesChina has published a statement which will expand its medical insurance to cover all critical illnesses for all urban and rural residents by the end of the year. How will the new policy improve the current medical insurance?

Topic2 7-yearr-old Girl almost Beaten to Death by Mom for Stealing MoneyA 7-year-old girl is in a coma at Shenzhen People's Hospital, suffering from a severe brain injury after being beaten by her mother for stealing money from home. How could this have happened?
Topic3 Blind date requires girls to wash facesLast weekend, more than 30,000 singles single men and women attended an unorthodox matchmaking event in the city of Hangzhou. Netizens' reaction was pretty unanimous when photos of girls washing off their makeup and letting guys measure their chest were posted online.
What's your reaction? Is it offensive?
Topic4 The Bitterest Career Ranking List in ChinaA report revealing the bitterest careers in China has been published recently, with those working in the financial industry topping the list for being extremely busy and having no time with kids. Do you agree with the list and are you in one of these careers?