英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0907 - 因“蹭饭门”被开除的员工冤么?(在线收听

 Topic1 New Semester PhobiaAs the new semester starts, many students, who are still indulging in a happy vacation mood, have felt uncontrollable panic. This phenomenon is dubbed "new semester phobia". Why is that? How can we relieve from the situation?

Topic2 Silicon Valley "Cengfan" GateFacebook recently fired several Chinese employees for making money by bringing visitors to enjoy free meals in the company via a tourism platform named "Chummy". Is it OK to charge people for that? Is it a kind of sharing economy?
Topic3 2nd Generations of Family Business Reluctant to be SuccessorsA recent report revealed that nearly 80 percent of the second generations of Chinese family business do not want to take over their parents' jobs. Instead they want to start their own business. Why don't they want to be family successors?
Topic4 Castle-like Primary SchoolA group of photos depicting the new campus of a primary school have been praised by netizens for its dreamlike style. Why did the school decorate the campus in such a style? Is it a distraction to students or just a waste of money?