NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-02(在线收听

 From NPR news in Washington, I'm Jack Spear.

The latest batch of Hilary Clinton's emails from her time as secratery of state contains of information that government now considers classified. and pearson Mechanism has warn the 7000pages of emails.
late out laters this evening. this is the largest group of email, so far since this May, when the state department began court ordered monthly release of hilary Clinton's messages. in response to a public records request. department spokesman Mark toner said government officials recent review of messages. and deem about 150 confidential, we stand by archetents in that, you know, the information we've upgraded was not. marked classified at the time, the emails were sent. clinton used a private email server while she was secratery of state. later last year, she gave the state department 55000 pages of emails she deemed work related. sero Mechamen, NPR news.
Conata is firespokes said while rain on sunday did not even reach the floor of the floor of the burning forest. it breaks levels in helping firefighters. clean the smoky air. we got a lot of tense of inch to a quarter of the rain. and in firefighting business, we will take every drop of the rain.
that are possible given to us, we are goona take advantage of that. in Washington state so called north complex of wild fires. Just over 300 square miles, was slightly less than a quarter contained. the largest wild fire in the state history in Orconagon.
complexes on about 30 percent contain.
Oil prices finish sharply higher today, for third in a row. NPR's dream rolly reports after the government reported that oil production is weaker then previously believed. prices is rose almost 9 percent in the NewYork market reaching 49.20cents a barrel. that's a big increase last week since oil briefly diped below 40 dollars. prices are up to 27 percent in three days. the biggest increase since 1998 when Cowet was invaded by Iraqthis lastest increase occured after the US energy administration relased a report saying oil production has been lower than estimated this year. prices at six year lows, oil producers have been cutting back. meanwhile Opec is droped tenth that it may stop presisting production.
and Russia said it may take unspecified steps to stablise the prices. James Rolley, NPR news. Newyork.
cuba. the outline in south Carlolina reporting heavy flooding today.
9:30 this morning more than 7 inches of rains are fallen there. US financial market, starting the week on a download, the dao droped 114;points today.
you are listening tonprit took a seven man 5 women jury less than two hours to convict the self proclaim white supremises.
to shooting death three people, including a teenage boy. killed outside tujus in Cansas last year. Joris 74 year old freish glanse cause was guity of these three murders as well as three counts attempt murder occured during the same 2014 shooting spray. the attorney killing thing was motivated by hatrate of jews.
non of those Cotinate he attacked was Jewish.
house officials in Cilalion have confirmed one ebola death in less than a week after the last known patient with a virus was discharge in a treatment center. those affrican reports the western affrican nation had began to come town to be declared Ebola free. news that 67 years old women, recently died from Ebola in Northan Cilalion.
has come as a blow. the chief medical officer there, saids.samples from herboli confirms positive for the virus. Cilalion was trying to determine whether the women died before or after the virus come down.
to zero cases of Ebola began a week ago. it would take 42 days with no new infections. for the world health organization to declare cilalionfree of Ebola transmission.
chasing teams have been dispatched. track down people who came into contact with the women in Kanbya district in the north.
offibia NPR NEWS.
Cudoe features' price rises in newYork, where was up 30.98 cents to 49.20 a barrel. merchantile exchange.
i'm jack spearance NPR news in Washington.