澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-04(在线收听

 Police in Hungary have tried to force the migrants off trains, sparking angry scenes. The asylum seekers thought the train was taking them to the Austrian border. Hungary says it’s following EU rules and has labeled the crisis as Germany’s problem. But Germany and France are pushing for a fair way to share the enormous refugee burden across Europe. The distraught father of the 3-year-old Syrian refugee found drowned on the Turkey’s beach has told his tragic story. Pictures of his son sparked an international outcry. Abdulla Kurdi says his family was trying to get to Greece from Turkey but their boat was hit by waves and the captain swam off. He lost his two sons and his wife.

“Everything is gone now. I just want to say thanks to the grief of my children and my wife and rest.” Abdulla Kurdi there.
French officials have confirmed that the wing piece found on the island in the Indian Ocean is part of the wreckage of missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370. The part, known as a flaperon was found on the shore of a French governed island of Reunion in July. And chaos is expected right across Melbourne’s train and road networks today. Railway workers are going on strike for four hours from 10 a.m. until 2 as part of their campaign for better pay and conditions.