澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-09(在线收听

 Good morning. It was expected that the key measures of Chinese activity would fall and imports did drop more than expected for the tenth month in a row as well. But the weak conditions conversely prompted hopes of further government stimulus and provided a mark boost. Exports also declined in a huge economy (that) showing signs of weakness. However, the Shanghai composite index ended almost 3 percent higher. And into Indonesia which has made an official request to rejoin the oil producing cartel, OPEC. The country had been in the organization of petroleum exporting countries for almost fifty years when it pulled out in 2008. Indonesia has been unable to maintain its oil production in the face of growing oil import bill to meet consumer’s demands. Despite its import status, it’s expected to be reactivated as a member when OPEC next meets in December. Now it's a big day for the Queen of England. She is celebrating 63 years as the monarch. She is also welfare than ever. According to a news article in the financial review, the Queen may have slipped down several rich lists. But she’s had some help from rising land and house prices. Analysis by Reuters has estimated she has assets worth about 34.8 US dollars. That puts her in the top 20 globally. But Buckingham Palace points out while some of the wealth is private, others is owned by the crown estate(ion).
