澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-15(在线收听

 Malcolm Turnbull will be sworn in as Australia's 29th prime minister after toppling Tony Abbott in a late-night leadership ballot. Mr. Turnbull won the dramatic contest for the Liberal Party leadership 54 votes to 44, and he is promising a more consultancy approach. There's been a change, a prime minister, but we are a very, very government, a very strong country with a great potential, and we will realize that potential working very hard together. Prime minister designate Malcolm Turnbull.  European Union leaders have agreed to re-locate one hundred and twenty thousand additional asylum seekers. In crisis talks W. has been holding crisis talks in Brussels, I'm sorry, this comes as Austraia, Slovakia, and Netherlands tighten border controls, and Hungary complete fence along its border with Serbia to curb the flow of asylum seekers. Mexico has demanded a full investigation after Egyptian security forces killed twelve people in the tourist convoy after mistaking them for militants. Egypt has labelled the killing an accident. Another ten people were injured in the attack in Egypt's western deserts. At least two Mexican nationals are among the dead. US authorities are searching for a geography professor in connection with the fatal shooting at Mississippi University. Delta State University went into lockdown after history professor Ethan Schmidt was shot dead. Police have named a university employee Shannon Lamb as a person of interest in the shooting. 
