澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-19(在线收听

 Let us take a look at the satellite image. A high over the Tasmania is threating showers along the east coast. At the other side of the country, a front crossing southwest of west Australia is bringing a cool change and isolated showers. The high is keeping inland areas mostly dry. Looking around the country. For Queensland, possible showers heavier in the southeast, mostly sunny for the rest of the state. Mostly dry conditions in western New Southwales, showers along the coast. For Victoria, areas of morning fog, then a fine day apart from a chance of isolated showers about the Forrest Ranges. And mostly fine day for Tasmania, apart from a possible drizzle above the north. Dry and sunny for South Australia, with warm and nozzlely wind in west.

A fresh to strong subtly change is moving across the south of west Australia, with showers forecast for southern coastal areas. Mostly sunny in the territory, with light to moderate east to southeastly winds over central parts. Looking ahead to tomorrow's forecast for the capital cities. A shower or two for Brisbane and Sydney. Canberra a possible shower. Partly cloudy in Melborne. Mostly sunny in Houbart, Adlaide and Darvin. And sunny in Perth.    