澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-09-21(在线收听

 Newly promoted ministers will be sworn in later this morning while others who’ve been dumped decide on their futures. In a dramatic change, Malcomn Turnbull has expanded his cabinet to 21 members and increased the number of women to 5. They include Marise Payne, Australian first female Defense minister. Kevin Andrews is gone from Cabinet along with Joe Hockey, Eric Abetz, Ian McFarlane and Bruce Billson. International travellers are facing disruption and delays at airports around the country over the next ten days. Immigration and border force workers are striking for two hours twice a day. The dispute is over pay and working conditions. Overseas, and the main conservative opposition has conceded defeat in Greece election. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras looks like he will return to power in a Coalition with the Independent Greeks. Mr. Tsipras says he now has a mandate to enforce the conditions of his widely unpopular bailout deal with international creditors. Another 13 asylum seekers including children have drowned trying to reach Greece by sea. The Turkish coast guard says they were in a rubber dinghy which was hit by a ferry near the port of X. There are also fears for 26 people missing from a boat off the Greek island of Elizabeth.  And Pope Francis has met with the Cuban Revolutionary and former president Fidel Castro. Earlier, the Pontiff celebrated mass with tens of thousands in Havan. It's his first visit to Cuba where he is being credited with helping to bring about the thaw in relations with the United States.
