英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0910 - 如何成为老师的心头好?(在线收听

 Topic1 Multiple subject teachers"Did you learn your math from a PE teacher?" These words cannot be used to laugh at someone who's bad at math anymore, as multiple subject teachers are under training. In the future, a primary teacher can teach multiple subjects. Do you think it is good for education?

Topic2 Millions of Teachers to Receive Gift PackageMillions of Chinese school teachers have received a "Gift Package" issued by the State Council ahead of this year's Teachers' Day to improve their treatment. What are included in the package?
Topic3 Teachers' EthicsAhead of the Teacher's Day, a survey conducted in Shanghai showed that there were still some problems in teachers' ethics in primary and secondary schools. What are the problems? How can we improve people's evaluation towards teachers' ethics?
Topic4 How to Become a Teacher's PetA teacher's pet is someone who is greatly favored by a teacher. To become a teacher's pet, it will take a bit of work, but the results are phenomenal. When you're a teacher's pet, the teacher is more likely to accept excuses from you, give good opportunities to you, and write positively on your evaluation. But of course everything comes with a price. While being favored by teachers, you risk being hated by the entire class!