英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0914 - 赫扬教你怎样迅速融入美国社会(在线收听

 Topic1 Photographer Fights for His Legal RightsRecently, the case of China Central Television's illegal use of a freelance photographer's work has being discussed heatedly. Later CCTV claimed that they bought this piece of video from Taobao. Who is to blame?

Topic2 Buffett's LunchChinese entrepreneur Zhu Ye has won the bid of this year's lunch with billionaire investor Warren Buffett at over 2,340,000 dollars. Many netizens criticized Zhu as a waste of money. Why are entrepreneurs willing to spend such a big sum of money on it?
Topic3 How to Blend into American SocietyEvery year, CRI News Plus Radio holds a cross-Pacific dialogue titled "From University to the World", to enhance communication and exchange between college students from China and other countries. This year's event will be unveiled in Shanghai later this week, when students from China and the US will be discussing about their life, dreams and values. So Roundtable is launching a mini-series about China and the US. Instead of focusing on bilateral ties, we're going to start from smaller things. Today it's how Chinese students can blend into American society.
The US higher education has attracted millions of Chinese students to each year. China is already US' largest source of international students, followed by India and South Korea. But whether or not these students can fit in is another question. A 2012 study shows that 40% of international students don't have close American friends, especially students from the far east. How can Chinese students better fit into American society?