历史上的今天-Today in History 2015-08-26(在线收听

 August 26th, 1920The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution takes effect giving women the right to vote. Carrie Chapman Catt is one of the leaders in the women`s suffrage movement.

“Woman Suffrage is a long story of hard work and heartache, at least one thousand legal enactments were necessary and everyone was a struggle against ignorant opposition.”
2003Investigators pinpoint what caused Space Shuttle Columbia to disintegrate on re-entry: damage from falling debris during a launch. Scott Hubbard Is a member of the Shuttle Accident Investigation Board, “We concluded that the falling foam impacting the leading edge of the wing was the cause of the breach that ultimately led to the destruction of the Orbiter”.
But investigators also conclude NASA`s over-confident management and inattention to safety contributed to the loss of Columbia and its seven-person crew.
1974 Lucky Lindy up in the sky, Fair or windy, he's flying highAviator Charles A Lindberg, who made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean dies at his home in Hawaii, he was 72.
Today in history, August 26th, Sandy Kozel the Associate Press.