高频英语口语对话 第175期:谈论婚姻(在线收听

   unit 193

  A: My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another. She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay.
  A: 我女儿打算辞掉现在的工作,再另找一份。她说她想找一份挣钱更多的工作。
  B: It seems quite normal to me. It is pretty much what I want to do.
  B: 我觉得很正常,我也很想这么做。
  A: But what about settling down to start a family? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more?
  A: 那么安定下来建立家庭这事怎么办?难道人人都不想结婚了吗?
  B: It is different now. The world is becoming colorful. Some of my friends don't feel the same pressure to marry. We all want to wait for the right moment.
  B: 现在不同了。这个世界变得五彩缤纷,我的一些朋友不觉得非要结婚不可。我们想等一个合适的时候。
  A: What time is the right moment?
  A: 何时才算合适的时候呢?
  B: Let the universe find us instead of forcing love. We prefer natural love. The most important thing is to be happy. Love will find us later. That is what we say.
  B: 让老天来安排而不要强求去爱,我们更喜欢自然而然的恋爱。对我们来说更重要的是快乐,爱情终究会找上门来的,这是我们常说的。