美国文化脱口秀 第245期:怎么跟老外解释中秋节和月饼(在线收听


  Mid Autumn Festival/Mooncake Festival: 中秋节
  Festival: 节日
  Lunar Calendar: 阴历
  Do you like mooncakes? 你喜欢吃月饼吗?
  It depends on the kind of mooncakes: 看是哪种口味的月饼。
  Gourmet: 精致的美食
  Innovative flavor: 创新的口味
  Traditional mooncake: 传统月饼
  Red bean: 红豆
  Red bean paste: 红豆沙
  Red bean mooncake: 豆沙月饼
  Egg yoke: 蛋黄
  Salted duck eggs: 咸鸭蛋
  Thousand-year-old eggs: 皮蛋
  Lotus paste mooncake: 莲蓉月饼
  Five nuts mooncake: 五仁月饼
  Five spices: 五香
  A mooncake has got a filling inside and a pastry on the outside: 月饼是什么捏?就是里面有馅儿,外面有一层饼皮。
  "It's like a filled donut." : 月饼就像一个有馅料的甜甜圈。
  Pork mooncake:鲜肉月饼
  Flaky pastry: 酥皮
  A full moon: 圆月
  The full moon symbolizes the whole family coming together: 圆月象征一家人团团圆圆。
  To symbolize: 象征
  Thanksgiving: 感恩节
  Family holiday: 家庭团聚的节日