澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-10-06(在线收听

 Now the five years’ negotiation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been locked in between the United States and Eleven Pacific nations including Australia.  The deal threshed out over night, covers forty percent of the Global economy and could influence everything from the price of trees to the cost of cancer treatments. Th ministers have reportedly to ground drug companies a five year exclusive period on new medicines, ending a deadlock on the issue between Australia and the United States. Tasmania and Victoria are blazed with dangerous fire conditions today, a fire that destroyed the house of xx on Victoria’s coast has now been brought under control. But this warning of extreme fire danger in central part of Victoria and very hard warning elsewhere is also a total fire ban for March of Tasmania. Immigration minister Peter x said the Nehru government move to finalize about 6,000 silem seeker applications is not related to an outcoming legal challenge. Nehru’s government has also lifted co? saying detainese can now move freely on the island from Australian center. Human rights lawyers have crtiticized the timing of the announcement as it come two days before the high court assisted the localness of detaining people of desease. The noble prize for medicine has been awarded to three researchers who made advance in fighting Parasitic . William Campbell, Satoshi Omura, and Youyou Tu were recognized for their work on Parasitic wounds and Malaria.
