澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-10-13(在线收听

 Australia's tougher anti-terrorist laws are set to be strenthened even further in the wake of the Parramatta shooting involving a fifteen-year-old radicalized boy. The planning includes lowering the age for control orders from sixteen to fourteen. The control order restricts a person's movements and activities without a criminal conviction. It comes as the New South Wales government pushes for terror suspects to be held for up to twenty-eight days without charge. Civil humanitarians say the changes would be destructive. Australia is a country that allows freedom, and we underdo the freedoms we've simply created the environment for those who dislike us as seen to terrors. The majority of Australia's internet service providers say they are not ready to start collecting metadata. The mandatory metadata retention regime officially begins today despite of having six months to get ready. Many service providers say they are still confused about the news rules.

London't police forces have stopped its round clock guard outside the city's Ecuadory embassy where witnesses found that Julie M. has sought refuge. Police say they can no longer refer to Gambie embassy, an operation which has costed more than twenty-three million dollars to date. And the University of Tasmania has issued warnings to students about possible security threat. The university's vice chancellor says it's a general threat, which is not specific to any particular campus. Campuses remain open, and police will be stationed on and around them today. It comes after similar threat yesterday at the University of New South Wales. This post was generated by put listening repetition system,  Check the original dictation thread!