英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1013 - 洗澡细节暴露真实的你(在线收听

 Topic1-China's Bachelors to Face Marriage Crisis after 2020Experts estimate that by 2020, there will be at least 24 million more Chinese men aged 20 to 45 than women of the same age, leaving particularly the underprivileged countryside with aging bachelors.

Topic2-Meituan and Dianping Strike Strategic MergerTwo of China's largest online-to-offline service providers Meituan and Dianping, announced a merger, in a move to end their escalating battle to win customers and corner the market. Will this be a good marriage? And how would it affect the customers?
Topic3-Chinese Students' Print-like English Handwriting StirsChinese middle school students can write English letters neat like a computer. It's perhaps not surprising since the teacher sets the requirement that each character written must be identical every time.
Topic4-What Your Shower Habits Say About YouYour eating habits can speak volumes about your personality, in the same way your shower habits can be quite telling. After today's show, you will be able to find your shower habit and see what it says about you.