世界节假日博览 第30期:端午节(2)(在线收听

   Several thousand years ago, densely weeded lakes and hosts of poisonous snakes and insects characterize the south of China.

  But people born and brought up in this Yangtze River area had also built up a rich store of culture.
  And from these differing culture of patterns evolve many of folk customs associated with the Dragon Boat Festival.
  粽子.jpgBy 2500 years ago, the Dragon Boat Festival had gradually become one of china's traditional festivals held each May 5th according to the lunar calendar.
  The Dragon Boat Festival is popular amongst most Chinese people, both those living at home in their native country and those overseas.
  But it is particularly celebrated in Zigui County and Huangshi City, Hubei Province, Miluo City in Hunan Province, and Suzhou City in Jiangsu Province.
  The colorful and diversified folk customs involved in the Dragon Boat Festival have developed from older customs around this season aimed at driving away evil.
  Chief amongst these where the elimination of diseases, the chasing away evil spirits and warding off natural disasters, the festival possesses a unique national spirit and abundant connotations which have deep influence on the lives of Chinese people.
  During the Dragon Boat Festival, people from different areas organize many folk custom activities.
  These include sacrifices made in memory of Chinese historical figures, the poet Qu Yuan is chiefly venerated around Zigui County in Hubei Province, and Miluo City in Hunan Province.