世界节假日博览 第34期:华盛顿诞辰日(在线收听

   In the U.S.A. people celebrate the birthday of their first president, George Washington. They don’t always celebrate on his birth date, which is February 22, because if it falls on a weekend, people don’t get the day off. So, on the third Monday in February there is a national holiday. Not everyone agrees on the name or even the reason for the holiday. A 1968 law called it Washington’s Birthday. However, since the 1980s, lawmakers have tried to change the name to Presidents Day. Many people want the holiday to celebrate the birthday of another president, Abraham Lincoln, who was also born in February. Different U.S. states have renamed the day Presidents Day. And in Alabama, they call it "Washington and Jefferson Day".

  The holiday honors George Washington for founding the nation. He is perhaps the most famous face in U.S. history. Up and down America, towns become red, white and blue. People put flags in their windows and hang ribbons in their gardens or outside stores. Many children learn about the history of how the United States came into being. They learn about the Revolutionary War and Washington’s role in America’s independence. Various communities stage pageants and festivals that re-enact the important events in Washington's life. People also eat cherry pies, a food that has become associated with his birthday. It’s also a good day for shoppers, as many stores hold a sale hoping to attract customers with the day off.
  1. Revolutionary War 革命战争
  例句:The revolutionary war has deteriorated the country.
  2.associated with 与…有关系
  例句:Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.
  3.come into being 形成
  例句:We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being.
  4.try to 试着
  例句:Mary is very quiet,try to fetch out at the party.