英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1019 - 情趣用品热销!中国人好开放!(在线收听

 Topic1-Informant Reporting Gambling Official Punished for Secret FilmingRecently, an official in Hunan reported on his superior for gambling, with video footage recorded secretly by a detective company he hired. The whistleblower is now under residential surveillance by the police, due to illegally obtaining citizens’ personal information. Is that reasonable?

Topic2-The Next Hot Chinese Listing: a Sex Toy MakerSex toys are a growth market attracting an ever-growing customer base, and ever-clever investors looking for the next hot opportunity. And nothing is hotter than sex.
Most sex-toy makers have kept their business private in China, but now one is aiming to go public. Zhejiang Lover Health Science is planning to list in order to expand sales of its bedroom baubles。
Topic3-Men Middle Age CrisisA US study says life’s satisfaction level goes like a U curve. We are happiest when we are young and very old, but have a notable dip in life satisfaction in our forties and fifties. So a mid-life crisis does exist?
Topic4-Do You Ever Dare to Skip Your Classes or Work?
Employers and teachers often regard keeping track of your attendance as top priority. There’s plenty of ways to keep a watchful eye on when you’ve stepped into the office or classroom such as asking you to scan a QR code or taking a selfie. Is it a good idea?