2015-10-23 History Channel:西恩宾回顾滑铁卢战役-3(在线收听

 The battle that suppressed here was the first in history to be recorded in so much detail by so many soldiers. The eye-witness has told stories with incredible bravery. The reviewer what was alive to be a soldier of Waterloo that make sense of the callous war. These stories would be my guide as I try to see the battles day to the time. And not just the fighting, but the waiting as well.On the night before the battle, the locals fled their villgages as thousands of soldiers converged for the fight and wound moral might brink. P.Morrice felt the worst, but the sergent reassured him,Tom!, he said, Although what it is, there is no short-made yet for either you or me. And it would be a sleepless night for the generals, too. So this is Wellington's headquarter.

Yeah! This is where he spent the night before the battle and it would look pretty nice like these short night since the spade hadn't changed that much.                                                    It's amazing to think spending last few hours in here, isn't it?
Yeah. You see that picture behind you thereof Wellington on Copenhagen.
Its horse and map pretty much how you will look and feel in the battle foreign day. we know, he knows that he's got a long day happened in the battle tomorrow so there is a lot of thinking going on the...He did it next to it