新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/10/22(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionPaul James with you on this Thursday, October 22, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has sat down for a series of meetings with business and political leaders as part of his current UK trip in London.
The Chinese cabinet is taking steps to make it easier for migrant workers to gain access to social services though proposed hukou changes.
US vice-President Joe Biden has confirmed he will not be taking a run at the Democratic nomination for President.
In Business... Chinese regulators considering opening the door to allow individuals to invest overseas.
In Sports... a pair of European Tour golf tournaments have opened in Southern China.
In entertainment.....the BBC teaming up with a Chinese company to make a sequel to its immensely popular documentary Earth.
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
You can follow us on our weibo account at
WeChat: search "beijinghour"Email us directly at [email protected].
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Top NewsXi, Cameron Vow to Deepen TiesAnchor:
Chinese President Xi Jinping has sat down for a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron at 10 Downing Street, with the two talking about ways to increase cooperation in various areas.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
The sit-down between the two leaders has been followed up the signing of numerous deals between the two sides worth some 40-billion US dollars.
Talking to reporters after their session, Chinese President Xi Jinping says he believes his current trip to the UK is set to mark a new beginning in stronger ties between the two countries.
"China and UK are both major countries with significant influence. This year is the beginning of the second decade of the China–UK comprehensive strategic partnership. I think this relationship has come to a new starting point. I am making this state visit to the UK to not-only build on past achievements, but to help increase our future political trust and practical cooperation to help bring China-UK ties to a new level."The Chinese President, while not going into specifics, says he and David Cameron did see eye-to-eye in a number of areas.
"I had a productive meeting with Prime Minister Cameron, and we reached an important consensus on many issues and agreed to announce here that we will build a global comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries in the 21st century, and jointly open up a golden era of an enduring, inclusive and mutually beneficial China-UK relationship."For his part, David Cameron says he's pitched Britain as China's pre-eminent Western gateway for investment in Europe.
He also says he wants to develop even closer financial and economic cooperation between the two sides.
"We should go further on trade and investment, not only for China to invest in the United Kingdom, but also for British businesses to expand and grow in China. We should increase our financial and economic cooperation with the UK as the partner of choice in the West."David Cameron has also put his political foot forward with Xi Jinping when it comes to the future of ties between the UK and China.
"So this visit marks the start of a new era, some have called it a golden era in relations between Britain and China, an era of stronger economic ties, deeper trade links, closer relations between our peoples and meaningful dialogue on the issues that matter to us both."As part of the discussions, Xi Jinping says the Chinese government is going to support David Cameron's government's plans for domestic economic growth in the UK by directing Chinese companies to invest in the north England.
This is one of the Conservative government's key domestic policy initiatives.
At the same time, Xi Jinping says he's also asked for Britain's support in helping China join the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
For his part, Cameron is promising UK support in helping China reach a free trade agreement with the European Union.
This, despite plans by Cameron's government to launch a national referendum in 2017, asking voters if they want to leave the European Union.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
For more on China-UK relations and economic cooperation, CRI's Tu Yun earlier spoke with Professor Ding Chun, Director of the Center for European Studies, Fudan University in Shanghai.
China, Britain issue joint declarationThe Chinese and British government has signed off on a new feasibility study for a stock connect system between London and Shanghai.
This would be similar to the one already in-place between Shanghai and Hong Kong.
The British government is also voicing its support for the inclusion of the RMB into the International Monetary Fund's basket of special drawing rights.
Both sides have also agreed to establish high-level talks connected to cyber-security.
When it comes to a possible China-EU Free Trade Agreement, the two are calling for the launch of a joint feasibility study.
Hinkley Nuclear Plant Deal StruckAnchor:
The widely-anticipated agreement to have a Chinese company help build a nuclear power plant in southwest England has been formalized as part of the Chinese president's time in the UK.
CRI's Huang Shan reports.
The agreement will see the China General Nuclear Power Corporation team up with a French company to build the new plant at Hinkley Point.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and UK Prime Minister David Cameron have overseen the signing of the agreement.
As part of it, China General Nuclear will invest around 10-billion US dollars into the project, while French state-run firm Electricite de France, or French Electric, will provide around 20-billion US dollars.
The Chinese side will control one-third of the project when its done, while the French side will hold the rest.
Martin Freer, Director of the Birmingham Centre of Nuclear Education and Research, says the deal will be a chance for the Chinese company to prove its ability to tap a global market for building nuclear power projects.
"This is an opportunity for china to understand the culture and the UK market. This is the window to the world, a shop window. So if China can bring Chinese nuclear plants to the UK, which is one of the most challenging places to get a reactor regulation system, so if you can do that in the UK, so you can sell your technology worldwide. So this is a great market opportunity for Chinese enterprises."Hinkley Point is the first of a number of nuclear power projects the British government is hoping to open.
Hinkley Point, with two reactors, will provide the largest output by a single power plant in Britain.
The deal itself was secured during Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne's visit to China last month.
The plant is expected to be operational by 2025.
Yu Peigen, vice general manager China General Nuclear, says he believes his company has what it takes to make the project a success.
"During the past 30 years, China has seen remarkable progress in nuclear energy technology. We have developed our Hualong One reactor and a new company is to be formed soon to explore the global nuclear power market. We also have elite engineers. This is our advantage."The Hualong One is the first domestically-developed reactor in China using so-called third generation technology.
Chen Fengying with China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations says the Hinkley Power Project in the UK could set a benchmark for Chinese companies hoping to work on large-scale projects overseas.
"The joint investment at Hinkley Point is a good example of how Chinese companies can work more closely on the international stage. It shows that it's feasible to work together with a foreign company in a third-party market. For Chinese nuclear power companies, the future is not only in Britain. There are plenty of opportunities elsewhere."The Hinkley project will provide energy to nearly 6-million homes and create more than 25-thousand jobs.
Prime Minister David Cameron has described the new partnership as "historic."Chinese President Xi Jinping says he believes Hinkley Point will be a flagship project leading to more cooperation of its kind in the future.
The final investment agreements still have to be signed by the Chinese and French sides.
Those deals, largely a formality, are expected to be concluded in the next few weeks.
Their agreement also includes the potential development of two additional nuclear power stations in the UK.
One of the projects could include the use of a Chinese-designed reactor.
For CRI, I'm Huang Shan.
Chinese President Xi Calls for Economic Cooperation with UKChinese President Xi Jinping has taken time in London to appease concerns over China's slowing economy.
The president has told a summit of Chinese and British business leaders the Chinese economy still remains solid, despite the current downward trend.
Main topics discussed at the summit have included the Chinese government-backed Silk Road initiative, as well as the development of e-commerce.
Chinese President delivers speech to municipal lawmakers in LondonChinese President Xi Jinping is moving to try to promote cultural ties between China and the UK as part of his current trip.
He's done this through a speech delivered to municipal lawmakers representing the City of London.
"The Chinese people are enchanted by British literary classics, including the works of William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. And they love modern British art, such as Cats, the James Bond movies, Harry Potter, Sherlock and Downton Abbey."Doctor Gerard Lyons, chief economic advisor to London Mayor Boris Johnson, says a number of things stood out for him from the Chinese President's speech.
"I saw it was a very good speech, went on well with the audiences. In term of catching my attention, I thought four things stood out of speech. First, he highlighted the cultural diversity and strength of United Kingdom and how that had influenced him throughout many different parts of his lives; and how that had begun impacting and influencing many people in China."President Xi Jinping has also attended at a banquet hosted by Alan Yarrow, who is the Lord Mayor of the City of London.
Yarrow is the Mayor of London-proper, while Boris Johnson is the Mayor of Greater London.
China to carry out residence permit system nationwideAnchor:
The Ctate Council, China's cabinet, has taken the latest step toward eliminating the cumbersome restrictions people have to endure in China if they move to an area outside their home town.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
The new steps announced by the State Council this week include the removal of the long-existing temporary residence permit requirements for people living outside their registration area.
Under the existing rules in China, if you live outside the area you're registration, or Hukou, is located, you're required to obtain a temporary residency permit.
That temporary residency permit only proves that you're living outside your Hukou.
It doesn't give you any of the social benefits, such as health or education coverage, that you would get under if you lived where your Hukou is registered.
But under the new changes, the State Council is planning to do away with that system, eliminating the term 'temporary,' and potentially giving people who hold the new residency permits more access to social benefits.
Professor Cai Fang with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says changing the way the residency permits work will be an important transition for the Hukou reform plans in China.
"For many years, the children of migrant workers had no access to urban education in cities due to the shortcomings of the Hukou system. When these kids grow up and become the new generation in the labor force, their skills won't be able to meet the demands of China's industrial upgrades. As such, receiving fair education is not only a key issue for migrant children, but also for China's sustainable growth in the future."It is estimated over 270-million people in China are living and working in cities without the proper registration.,It's believed that number continues to rise as more and more people in China's rural areas gravitate toward the cities for work.
Despite the planned changes, Professor Xu Guangjian with Renmin University points out that barriers are still going to be there when the new regulations take effect.
"The biggest problem is where children of residency permit holders will attend the Gaokao, or college entrance exams. This has a lot to do with the unbalanced academic resources across China. Secondly, there will be questions as to whether local authorities will have enough funding to provide for social housing, especially in the big cities. Again, due to limited resources, residency permit holders will probably have to wait a long time, even their local government does eventually offer them housing."At the same time, the State Council is also making it easier for people to gain access to an urban hukou through a new points system.
A points system is being developed which will allow people to change their hukou if they tick-off enough points through their level of education, skill level and social security backgrounds.
No timetable has been given for the new system's enforcement nationwide.
However, major cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen have already brought in programs similar to what the State Council is proposing nation-wide.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
Mainland Tourist Manslaughter Case Adjourned to DecemberAnchor:
A pair of suspects accused of beating a mainland tourist to death earlier this week in Hong Kong have made their first court appearance on Thursday.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has more.
The two suspects, a Hong Kong tour guide and another defendant, a tour escort from Shenzhen, have not entered a plea in connection with the manslaughter charges they face.
The case has been adjourned until December while police gather more evidence, as authorities are still searching for at least two more attackers.
Both defendants have been remanded to custody.
54-year old Miao Chunqi, a contractor from Heilongjiang, was found unconscious earlier this week in a jeweler store after reports suggests he intervened in a dispute with his tour guide and another person who wasn't interested in buying something at the shop.
He was taken to hospital, but died the next day.
While police are working through the details on the criminal side, Hong Kong Travel Industry Council executive director Joseph Tung says his group is still trying to determine how the mainland group ended up in the situation in the first place.
"The tourism bureau in Shenzhen says their side did not hand the group to the Tian Ma travel agency in Hong Kong. It is against the regulations if they didn't do business with authorized travel agencies, at the same time. If we find they used fake documents, we will report it to the police."The incident has sparked new debate about the strong-arm tactics of tour operators in China, both in Hong Kong and on the mainland side.
Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung is calling on the travel and retail sectors to be more disciplined.
"There have been many problems with the travel industry over the years. While law enforcement can deal with the fall-out from incidents like this in Hong Kong this week, the city's image is going to continue to suffer if things like this continue."Public consultations were launched some 4-years ago in Hong Kong to deal with strong-arm tour operators.
However, little headway has been made.
Hong Kong Commerce and Economic Development Secretary Gregory So suggests it may be time to start working with Beijing on the issue.
"It is unfortunate that such an incident happened. Authorities will re-deliberate the current National Tourism Law, and the framework of ten different measures to crack down on free-of-charge tours or even-negative-charge tours. We will discuss the matter with mainland authorities."Tourism to Hong Kong by mainland travelers has already been on a decline over the past year amid concerns about an anti-mainland sentiment in the city.
Numerous complaints have also been registered on the mainland side through this most recent National Day Holiday, with many travellers complaining of scams and forced shopping trips.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will not run for PresidentAnchor:
U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden has confirmed he will not be joining the 2016 presidential race, ending months of speculation about his political future and giving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a much clearer path to the Democratic nomination.
CRI's Washington chief correspondent Xiaohong with the latest.
After keeping the media guessing for months, Vice President Joe Biden has finally made the announcement that he will not make a run for the White House in 2016.
"As my family and I have worked through the grieving process, I've said all along that it may very well be that process, by the time we get through it, closes the window on mounting a realistic campaign for president. I've concluded, it has closed."He was referring to the loss of his elder son Beau Biden who passed away last May to brain cancer.
Even though Biden acknowledged in his speech that running for president is not realistic at this stage, he is determined to be active during the upcoming campaign.
"But while I will not be a candidate, I will not be silent. I will speak clearly and forcefully, to influence as much as I can where we stand as a party and where we need to go as a nation."Biden listed a number of policy priorities he would support in the upcoming campaign.
The Vice President urged Democratic candidates to carry on the Obama legacy.
"This party, our nation, will make a tragic mistake if we walk away or attempt to undo the Obama legacy. Democrats should not only protect this record, or defend this record – they should run on this record."But Biden did not use the opportunity to endorse any of the announced candidates, including the current frontrunner, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton later praised Biden, tweeting that she was "inspired by his optimism and commitment to change the world for better".
Voting in the first stages of the 2016 presidential election will kick off with Caucuses in Iowa next February.
Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.
UN Chief Urges Israel and Palestine to End ViolenceUN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is calling for an immediate end to the violence in both Israeli and Palestinian territories.
He's made the call as part of a stop in the region this week to try to bring an end to the over 3-weeks of random violence which has left over 60 dead and has pushed tensions to new heights.
Speaking at a joint press conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expresses his concern about the current wave of violence in the region.
"I have been dismayed - as we all should be - by young people taking up weapons and seeking to kill. Violence is not the way. Violence will not bring a just and lasting peace, but will only push back the day when Palestinians will achieve statehood and both sides will live in peace and security."Tensions have been mounting for weeks in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Since the beginning of October, fierce clashes have brought the Israeli death toll to 10, while Israeli forces have shot dead some 50 Palestinians.
Violence continued on Wednesday with several stabbing and car-ramming attacks and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces. In addition, a rocket from Gaza hit southern Israel.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of committing violations by the occupation of the holy Muslim and Christian places in East Jerusalem, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque, warning that Israel's measures would pave the way for the eruption of a "bitter religious conflict".
He says the recent wave of attacks is because of Israeli occupation and its consequences.
"Desperation and frustration due to the continuation of occupation, lack of a political horizon and absence of future prospects for the Palestinian youth, add to that the economic bottle neck and the daily suffering, all these are the causes of the actions that you witness."Abbas also asked for a "system of international protection" for the Palestinian people.
"We have no other choice. We hope you help us to obtain international protection in order to protect our people from the practices of the occupation and settler violence and terrorism, including collective punishment measures, such as house demolitions and the displacement of Palestinian families."Ban, saying the most urgent challenge is to stop the current violence and avoid further loss of life, urges Palestinians and Israelis to show courage and find their way back to a meaningful peace process.
"Ultimately, it is for the Palestinians and Israelis to choose peace. The only way to end the violence is through real and visible progress toward a political solution, including an end of the occupation and establishment of a Palestinian state living in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbors."South Koreans End Three-day Reunion with North Korean RelativesThe latest round of family reunions for Korean families separated by the Korean War has come to an end at the Mount Kumgang resort in North Korea.
"We will meet again. We will meet again. Do not worry!"Only a few hundred people from South Korea have been allowed to take part in the latest round of reunions.
Another 3-days of family reunions will take place through this weekend.
Since the end of the fighting in the Korean War, neither side has allowed phone calls for letters to be passed along to the other side.
The fighting toward the end of the conflict meant many families divided by the fighting were unable to return to the other side after the DMZ was established between North and South Korea in 1953.
However, the two sides have been allowing limited family reunions for the past few years.
But those opportunities have been limited because of continued tensions between the two sides, who are still technically in a state of war.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast tonight with a low of 8 degrees. Tomorrow will see sunshine with a high of 18.
Shanghai will be cloudy overnight with a low of 19. It will be cloudy tomorrow with a high of 25.
Chongqing will be overcast tonight with a low of 19. Tomorrow, showers, high of 25.
Lhasa will be clear tonight with a low of 3, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 20.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny tomorrow with a high of 30.
Kabul, light rain, 18.
In the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, Brisbane and Perth will have light rain with highs of 19, 26 and 23 respectively.
And finally Auckland will be cloudy with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsChina, Britain issue joint declarationThe Chinese and British government have signed off on a new feasibility study for a stock connect system between London and Shanghai.
This would be similar to the one already in-place between Shanghai and Hong Kong.
The British government is also voicing its support for the inclusion of the RMB into the International Monetary Fund's basket of special drawing rights.
Both sides have also agreed to establish high-level talks connected to cyber-security.
When it comes to a possible China-EU Free Trade Agreement, the two are calling for the launch of a joint feasibility study.
China to set up third-generation nuclear power companyTwo Chinese nuclear power giants are said to be mulling plans to establish a new joint venture to try to get China's third-generation nuclear reactors, the Hualong One, out into the international field.
This will see China General Nuclear Power team up with China National Nuclear Corporation to create a stand-alone company to promote Hualong One on the global stage.
The two state-run giants began working together on the research and development of Hualong One in 2013.
Construction of a new nuclear power station in China using the new technology was launched earlier this year in Fujian.
China General Nuclear Power Group just signed an agreement with Electricite de France to build a nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point in southwestern England.
The technologies of Hualong One are expected to be used at the plant.
Chinese man, UK Prince, Team up to Protect Wild AnimalsPrince William and Chinese business leader Yuan Yafei have teamed up to launch a new foundation to protect wild animals.
As part of the new agreement, Yuan Yafei, who heads the Chinese firm SanPower, will provide a majority of the funding.
The price-tag has not been detailed.
The program itself will be run as part of the "Royal Foundation" Prince William and his wife first established in 2009.
China-Australia FTA legislation passes through Australia's lower houseThe China-Australia Free Trade Agreement has passed through Australia's lower house of Parliament.
The legislation remains on track to be signed into law before the end of the year.
It follows a decision this week by the opposition to back the FTA after previously threatening to block the legislation unless a number of amendments were made.
The Australian Senate still has to review and vote on the bill in November before it can become law.
Its widely expected the FTA will make it through that chamber with little problems.
Cambodian PM inaugurates China-funded bridge in capital cityCambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has inaugurated a China-backed bridge project which runs across the Tonle Sap River.
The 719-meter long bridge is designed to ease traffic flows in the capital, Phnom Penh.
It took China Road and Bridge Corporation 3-years to finish the project with the help of a 27.5-million U.S. dollars from the Chinese government.
China has helped finance the construction of 7 large-scale bridge projects in Cambodia.
6 of them have been finished.
The 7th, in the south of Cambodia, is still under construction.
Biz ReportsAsian StocksAnchor:
Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers in Asia.
Joining us on the desk Luo Wen.
Chinese shares closed higher on Thursday, reversing the large, across-the-board declines registered on Wednesday.
Healthcare, transport and service sectors led the gains.
E-commerce shares also rose robustly on the day ahead of China's week-long online shopping bonanza surrounding Nov. 11, nicknamed "Singles' Day" and the traditional Christmas and New Year shopping period.
At the close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index advanced 1.5 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index jumped 3.6 percent.
The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises surged 4.8 percent.
While in Hong Kong, the Heng Seng Index moved down 0.6 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo shares ended lower as investors moved to lock in on recent gains ahead of a series of key central bank meetings at home and abroad as well as earnings reports.
The benchmark Nikkei trimmed 0.6 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI slipped one percent.
Singapore's Straights Times index edged up 0.4 percent.
And finally,Australia's ASX/200 ticked up 0.3 percent.
China mulls trial run for individuals to invest overseasThe Chinese government is considering launching a pilot program to allow people in China to invest in overseas markets through the Shanghai free trade zone.
The suggestion has come from a State Council executive meeting this week.
Details of what would be required for Chinese nationals to become individual overseas investors has not been revealed.
However, its being reported qualified domestic investors would need to have at least a million yuan in assets and would be required to go through a vetting process to ensure they are knowledgeable enough to invest overseas.
Wang Xinkui, president of the Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center, says allowing individuals from China to invest on their own would be a big step forward.
"A move like this would significantly help increase trade and investment opportunities. It will also allow Chinese companies to allocate more of their resources worldwide. But mostly, it will allow ordinary people more opportunities to invest."Right now, individual investors in China can't access overseas markets directly, and have to make outside investments through qualified institutional investors.
Meanwhile, the latest meeting of the State Council has also approved a package of policies aimed at pressing ahead with financial reforms in the Shanghai FTZ.
These include making the renminbi more convertible in the Free Trade Zone, as well as the creation of more international trading platforms to process financial assets, such as foreign reserves and securities.
China sees forex settlement deficit of 300 billion USD in first three quartersNew stats show a sharp increase in the sale of foreign currency by Chinese banks through September.
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange is reporting Chinese banks sold some 232-billion U.S. dollars worth of foreign currency to individuals and institutions, but at the same time, buying only 123-billion US dollars from them.
This has resulted in a net sale of just over 109-billion US dollars in foreign exchange through September.
It marks an over 50-percent increase in the full-year loss of foreign exchange in China this year through last month.
The forex deficit through the first 8-months of this year had sat at just over 192-billion US dollars before last month.
Wang Xiaoyi, deputy head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, says despite the sharp upturn in the forex deficit, they still don't believe this is a signal of capital flight out of China.
"The foreign exchange outflow is partly due to the fact that some companies have reduced their holdings of foreign debt and lowered their operating leverage. These are normal capital outflows, and not panic capital flight."By holding on to foreign currency, developing countries like China can mitigate against sharp economic fluctuations in currency prices.
Earnings at SOEs Decline againAnchor:
The latest stats show the profits of state-owned enterprises in China continued to fall in the first three-quarters of the year.
Profits of SOEs across the board have declined over 8-percent year on year in the first 9-months to just under 275-billion U.S. dollars.
SOEs in the areas of petrochemical, oil refining and construction materials have seen the largest profit declines.
For more on this, the Beijing Hour's Spencer Musick spoke earlier with Cao Can, CRI's financial commentator.
Apple Launches New Energy Programs in ChinaApple has announced its launching new programs designed to reduce the air pollution pumped-out by its manufacturing partners in China.
The programs are designed to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emmisions between now and 2020.
The amount of greenhouse gases Apple hopes to eliminate through its industrial program would be the equivalent of pulling 4 million passenger vehicles off the road.
As part of the plan, Apple is going to build large-scale solar power projects in the northern, eastern and southern regions of China.
Apple's main product producer in China, Foxconn, is also part of the new program.
Apple currently runs 19 corporate offices and 24 retail outlets in China.
The company claims its powering 100 percent of those operations in China through renewable energy.
Pepsi Opens New Quaker Oats Plant in ChinaPepsi has opened its first Quaker Oats manufacturing facility in China.
The plant, located in Beijing's southern suburb of Daxing, has the capacity to produce 50-thousand tons of Quaker Oats cereal a year.
The plant will create about 150 direct jobs, as well as thousands of indirect jobs in the surrounding the community.
It will also produce a variety of Quaker products, including Instant Oats, Quick Cooked Oats and Quaker's Powder Drinks.
Quaker Oats was acquired by Pepsi back in 2001.
Hyundai Motor's Q3 operating profit declines to 5-year lowSouth Korean automaker Hyundai is reporting its lowest quarterly earnings in more than 5-years.
Hyundai's third quarter operating profits have come in at 1.3 billion U.S. dollars.
This is down 8.8 percent from a year earlier.
Hyundai's net income has come in at 1.1 billion U.S. dollars through Q3, slumping more than 25 percent from a year earlier.
SportsEuropean golf tournaments kick off in Hong Kong, FoshanIn golf,A pair of European Golf tournaments are underway in southern China.
The main stop on the European Tour is the Hong Kong Open, which got underway today.
Taiwan golfer Lu Wei-chih has opened the first round with a share of the lead at minus-6.
He's tied with Italian Andrea Pavan.
They're followed by Taiwan's C.T. Pan, who currently sits one-back at minus-5, along with England's Justin Rose.
--Meanwhile, the European Challenge Tour is making a stop just north of Hong Kong in the city of Foshan in Guangdong.
With the first round in, its Spain's Borja Virto Astudillo carding a blistering 8-under-64 today for a one-stroke lead over South Africa's Haydn Porteous.
Mainland golfer Chen Zihao sits alone in 3rd at minus-6.
Total prize money for the Foshan tournament has been increased to 500-thousand US dollars, with the winner walking away with 80-thousand.
The top 15 money winners from this year's challenge series, a developmental series, get automatic exemptions into next year's European Tour.
South Korea's Eun-hee Ji leads after first round of LPGA Taiwan ChampionshipFrom the Women's side of golf.
Young mainland golfer Lin Xiyu has gotten off to a good start at this year's LPGA Taiwan Championship.
The 19-year old has carded a 5-under-67 to sit alone in 2nd, and just one stroke back of South Korea's Ji Eun-hee.
Fellow Guangzhou native Feng Shanshan finished out her day in Taipei at 2-under.
Local favorite former world number-1 Tseng Yani struggled somewhat, finishing with an even-par 72.
World number-3 Stacy Lewis had a really difficult day, struggling to a five-over 77 that left the American eleven shots back of the lead.
Italian cyclist Modolo wins third stage at 2015 Tour of HainanIn Cycling,Italian cyclist Sachs Modolo has won the third stage this year's Tour of Hainan.
The third stage stretched just over 130-kilometers from the city of Wenchang to Haikou.
Italian Andrea Palini still holds the Yellow Jersey as the overall leader.
China's Ma Guangtong currently holds the Blue Jersey as the top rider from Asia.
This year's Tour of Hainan lasts 9 days.
Stage-4 is scheduled for tomorrow, which is a grueling 237-kilometers from Haikou to Chengmai.
Tennis ATP tournaments recapIn tennis,Jo Wilfried-Tsonga has made it safely through to the second round of the Erste Bank Open in Vienna, Austria.
Fourth seed Tsonga needed three sets to see off a spirited Tommy Haas, winning 6-3, 6-7, 6-4.
Second seeded Kevin Anderson found the going easier though, winning 6-4, 7-5 against Austrian Andreas Haider-Maurer.
However, third seed John Isner isn't so lucky, going down to Latvian Ernst Gulbis 6-4, 4-6, 6-4.
Other actions,Ivo Karlovic beat Sergiy Stakhovsky from Ukraine 6-4, 7-5.
Karlovic will meet Ernests Gulbis in the next round.
At the ATP's Stockholm Open,All seeded players are through to the third round, except fourth seed Bernard Tomic.
The rising Australian star has been bounced by Marcos Baghdatis from Cyprus 7-6, 6-3.
Wins for Germany, Belgium and Mali at the Under-17 World CupIn football,Group action from FIFA's Under-17 World Cup in Chile continues, with Mexico now on the verge of qualifying for the last-16 after drawing nil-nil with Australia.
The Aussies will need a win over Argentina in their next match if they're going to make it to the group stages.
Mexico can advance with a single point against Germany in its final group match.
The Germans have already secured their place in the knock-out stages after dumping Argentina 4-nil earlier today.
Meanwhile, down in Group D.
It Belgium and Mali now hold the advantage heading into their last group games.
Belgium beat Honduras 2-1, while Mali downed Ecuador 1-nil.
Belgium and Mali now sit atop their group with 4-points, while Ecuador is one-back with 3-points.
China failed to qualify for this year's Under-17 World Cup, with the two Koreas representing East Asia.
New York Mets advance to the World Series after completing series 4-0In baseball,New York Mets are on their way to the World Series for the first time in 15-years.
The Mets completed their National League Championship Series sweep of the Chicago Cubs this morning, downing the Cubs 8-3 this morning.
Mets 2nd baseman Daniel Murphy has been named series MVP.
Murphy has also written himself into the history books, becoming the first player to hit a home run in six consecutive post-season games with his 8th inning, 2-run shot.
"I don't know. I've talked to Kevin Long about it. I can't explain it. It's just such a blessing to be able to contribute to what we've been able to do. I really can't explain it. It's just a complete blessing, and that's the only way I can describe it. I'm excited to be able to do something to help us win ballgames, but I can't explain it."The Mets will now have to wait to see who they'll be taking on in the World Series.
This, after the Toronto Blue Jays extended their season to at least one more game, hammering Kansas City 7-1 this morning.
The Royals still have a 3-2 Series advantage, and can punch their ticket to the World Series with a victory at home on Saturday morning, 8am Beijing time.
NBA preseason games recapIn the NBA preseason action from earlier,Charlotte Hornets edged the Detroit Pistons 99-94New Orleans Pelicans squeezed past Orlando Magic 110-107.
Memphis narrowly edged Indiana 82-81.
It was the Washington Wizards over Miami Heat 110-105.
And the Phoenix Suns got past the Dallas Mavericks 99-87.
Some off court news,The Cleveland Cavaliers has finally come to terms with forward Tristan Thompson.
Its a 5-year deal worth 82-million US dollars.
Thompson, who helped lead the Cavs into last season's NBA finals after stepping in for the injured Kevin Love.
He is considered one of the best rebounders on the Cavs team, averaging close to 11-rebounds a game during the playoffs.
He has been sitting out the pre-season in his contract dispute with Cleveland.
EntertainmentBBC, Shanghai Media Group strike first official UK-China co-productionBBC Earth Films and SMG Pictures have announced a partnership to create a new feature film called 'Earth: One Amazing Day', which is due for release in 2017.
The documentary is the sequel to the BBC's 2007 documentary, 'Earth', and is the first feature film to be produced under the new UK-China film co-production treaty, signed last year.
It'll be directed by British filmmaker Peter Webber - known for directing 'Emperor' and 'Hannibal Rising' - together with an as-yet-unnamed Chinese director.
The deal was signed at a ceremony in London on Wednesday with Wang Jianjun, president of SMG and Paul Dempsey, president of BBC Worldwide.
The signing ceremony took place at the Creative Showcase being held at Lancaster House in London as part of Chinese president Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK this week.
The film will tell the story of one day in the natural world of the Earth.
Set for release in 2017, the film will comes ten years after the release of first 'Earth' film and will use the "latest innovations in film technology".
SMG Pictures will distribute 'Earth: One Amazing Day' on the Chinese mainland.
Shanghai Fashion Week Wraps upShanghai Fashion Week came to an end on Wednesday, with Fairwhale Jeans wrapping up the gala by showcasing their 2016 Spring and Summer collections.
The collections are the second collaboration between US designer Nick Wooster and the Fairwhale Jeans brand.
Speaking backstage, Wooster elaborated on the inspiration behind his designs.
"So the inspiration is always the same for me - it's clothes I want to wear. And so I really look to my closet as the first place. What's missing? And that was the springboard for what we did here today. Things like sailor stripes, navy blue, khaki - these are summer staples for me and always in my wardrobe."Shanghai's Fashion Week opened last Tuesday, with more than fifty designers taking part in the nine-day event with their latest collections.
Compared with the fashion weeks of Paris and London, Shanghai's event is mainly a platform for young indie local designers, still hoping to make a name for themselves.
'The Assassin' leads 2015 ASPA nominationsHou Hsiao-Hsien's festival hit 'The Assassin', which won him Best Director at Cannes this year, has been nominated for three prizes at this year's prestigious Asia Pacific Screen Awards.
The film will compete for Best Feature, Achievement in Directing for Hou Hsiao-Hsien and Achievement in Cinematography for Mark Lee Ping-Bing.
Other nominees in the best feature category include multi-territory co-production 'Cemetery Of Splendour'; Korean feature 'End Of Winter' and the Japanese/French drama 'Journey To The Shore'.
Elsewhere, France's foreign language Oscar submission 'Mustang' received a Best Youth Feature film nomination, while Joshua Oppenheimer's 'The Look Of Silence' will compete for best documentary.
A total of 39 films from 22 countries have received nominations.
The awards ceremony takes place on Thursday 26 November at City Hall, Brisbane.
Adele has finally confirmed her third album and it's called 25Adele has finally confirmed the title of her new album, and it's to be called '25'.
After months of waiting, the singer took to Twitter with a heartfelt message explaining the story behind her upcoming third album.
Adele explained that while her previous album '21' was a break-up record, her new album is a "make-up record".
Fans have been eagerly anticipating Adele's return since Sunday, when the star seemed to drop a teaser of new music into an ad-break during the X Factor talent show at the weekend.
There's still no word of an official release date for '25', but it looks as though it could be just around the corner.
Adele's last album, the platinum-selling '21', was released over four years ago.
Selena Gomez, Carrie Underwood to hit the stage at the American Music AwardsSelena Gomez will take her "Revival" to the spotlight in the upcoming American Music Awards next month.
The 23-year-old singer is one of three acts performing this year, with new albums expected this month.
Country singer Carrie Underwood and Australian pop band "5 Seconds of Summer" are also taking to the stage at the show on November 22 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
Show host Jennifer Lopez is also set to perform at the ceremony, which will be broadcast live on ABC.
The gig will be Lopez's first ever hosting job, taking over from Cuban-American rapper Pitbull, who hosted the show for two years in a row.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast tonight with a low of 8 degrees. Tomorrow will see sunshine with a high of 18.
Shanghai will be cloudy overnight with a low of 19. It will be cloudy tomorrow with a high of 25.
Chongqing will be overcast tonight with a low of 19. Tomorrow, showers, high of 25.
Lhasa will be clear tonight with a low of 3, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 20.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny tomorrow with a high of 30.
Kabul, light rain, 18.
In the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, Brisbane and Perth will have light rain with highs of 19, 26 and 23 respectively.
And finally Auckland will be cloudy with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has sat down for a series of meetings with business and political leaders as part of his current UK trip in London.
The Chinese cabinet is taking steps to make it easier for migrant workers to gain access to social services though proposed hukou changes.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...