美国文化脱口秀 第256期:关于中国经济和创新(在线收听

   权威的《The Economist》(经济学人)周刊最近做了一期深入的专题报道,告诉我们中国仍然是全球最有活力的经济体。而且新的增长动力来自民间亿万创新、创业的人民。

  "Back to Business": 王者归来
  "Despite China's recent troubles, the prospect for its entrepreneurial private sector remain bright."
  Public sector: 国有经济
  Private sector: 民营经济
  SOE (state owned enterprises): 国企
  Entrepreneurs: 私营企业主
  Prospect: 未来、展望
  "Manufacturing: Still Made in China"
  "制造业: 依然中国制造"
  "Chinese manufacturing remains second to none."
  Quality: 质量、品质
  Innovation: 创新
  Second to none: 最好的
  "Kirk Yang of Barclays, a bank, believes the manufacturing sector is moving from 'Made in China' to 'Made by China'.
  巴克莱银行的Kirk Yang认为中国制造业正在从“中国制造”转型为“中国创造"。
  In the 1980's and 1990's, most factories were owned by firms from Taiwan, (like Foxconn) or the West (like Flex). Increasingly, he predicts, the sector will be run by Chinese firms. Twaiwan used to dominate the market for upmarket electronics components, but he thinks many Chinese parts-supplies-like BYDE, an arm of the electric-car firm BYD-are now excellent."
  Shift: 转型、转变
  Made in China: 中国制造
  Made by China: 中国创造
  Preposition: 介词
  OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer): 代工
  Upmarket: 高端市场
  Technology: 科技
  Copycats: 复制品、抄袭
  Label: 标签
  "During the time when China's backward economy was rushing to catch up with the West, it made sense to copy. Many firms tried to innovate and failed whereas those who copied became billionaires.
  Backward: 落后的
  To catch up: 追赶
  Sophisticated: 高端的、复杂的、有品位的
  Chinese consumers have become very sophisticated: 中国的消费者已经变得非常有品味和鉴赏力。
  "Chinese consumers' rising expectations and intensifying competition in consumer-facing industries are already pushing firms towards more innovation.
  One example is Wechat, a popular social media and payments platform run by Tencent. Chinese consumer are now so demanding and globally-minded that you can't get away with JGE. You really need to be world-class to serve China."
  "腾讯的微信,一个社交、支付平台,就是其中的一个范例。中国消费者的高要求和全球眼光使得企业不能再用JGE(Just Good Enough)马虎对待。企业必须达到国际一流水准,才能服务中国。“
  Expectations: 要求、需求
  Demanding: 要求高的、难以满足的
  The Economist: 经济学人杂志
  Special Report on China: 中国特刊
  Is the economy slowing down?: 经济在放缓吗?
  Growth: 增长 (economic growth: 经济增长)
  Double digits: 两位数 (double-digit growth: 两位数增长)
  Financial market turmoil: 金融市场动荡
  Theme: 主题