世界节假日博览 第48期:世界睡眠日(在线收听

   Everybody loves World Sleep Day. This day was first held in 2008 by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM). Its aim is to advance the health benefits of sleep worldwide. WASM wants to promote and encourage education and research into sleep, and the importance it has as a therapy in recovering from illnesses. Dr. William C. Dement, a WASM spokesperson, said World Sleep Day will “hopefully will be an event that is successful and will continue in the foreseeable future. Everyone needs to understand how important sleep is, and how sleep is so important for a healthy life”. WASM’s website says “sleepiness and sleeplessness is a global epidemic that threatens health and quality of life”. Its logo is “Sleep well, live fully awake.”

  所有人都喜欢过世界睡眠日。2008年,世界睡眠医学协会率先发起了这一节日。该节日的目的是要在全球宣传睡眠对身体所带来的益处。世界睡眠医学协会希望人们增加对睡眠的研究,最重要的是,睡眠能够有助疾病康复。世界睡眠医学协会发言人威廉·德门特博士称希望世界睡眠日能够取得成功,未来越办越好。我们每个人都需要了解睡眠,以及睡眠对健康的重要性。”世界睡眠医学协会官网称:“瞌睡和失眠是威胁生活质量和健康的全球疾病。”官网的标语为:“睡个好觉,清醒生活。” soon as 一..就..
  例句:We chose the house for our home as soon as we saw it.
  我们一看见这所房子,就把它选作我们的家了。 benefit 利于健康
  例句:The health benefit: reducing stress by saving time.
  3.foreseeable future 可预见的未来
  例句:I hope that this foreseeable future extends beyond the horizon, and that Steve Jobs can stay with Apple and if not with Apple, with his family and loved ones, for a long, long time.
  4.suffer from 遭受
  例句:How long have you been suffering from a headache?
  Sleep is a basic bodily and mental need. We all need to sleep, although the number of hours differs from person to person. Doctors do not know why sleep occurs, but they do all agree that it is essential for our survival. Without enough sleep, the body can die. For many of us, sleep is one of the biggest pleasures in life. Indeed, many people list sleeping as a hobby! Sleep refreshes and energizes us and restores our brain into top working order. Sleep is also quite complicated. One-third of adults have problems sleeping and suffer from insomnia. There are over 80 sleep-related disorders. Other people are lucky and have no problems at all getting off to sleep. Some people sleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. Do you sleep well?