新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/11/01(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionBob Jones with you on this Sunday November 1st, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
Leaders of China, South Korea and Japan, gather in Seoul for top level talks.
No survivors from the Russian jet crash over Egypt.
And breakthrough for the new high speed rail tunnel linking Hong Kong with the Chinese Mainland.
We have our weekly round up of the latest Science and Technology news.
In Sports... Victory for Guangzhou Evergrande in the Chinese Super League.
In Entertainment... Star Wars fans dress to impress in Hong Kong.
Top NewsChina and South Korea vow to expand cooperationAnchor:
China and South Korea have pledged to strengthen cooperation in various fields and explore new growth points for regional peace and prosperity, as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met South Korean President Park Geun-hye in Seoul on Saturday.
CRI's reporter Li Jianhua has the details.
A total of 17 business contracts and governmental accords have been signed at the witness of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
The documents cover various of fields including trade and economy, science and technology, environmental protection and people-to-people exchanges.
Premier Li Keqiang also highlighted the strategic partnership between China and South Korea.
In particular, he mentioned the integration of China's Belt and Road initiative, the "Made in China 2025" initiative, together with South Korea's Eurasia Initiative and the "3.0 strategy for manufacturing innovation."He also called on more effort from the two sides to explore third-party markets in the production capacity cooperation.
For her part, President Park Geun Hye said she hopes the ratifying process of the bilateral FTA can be fast-tracked and become effective at an early date.
She also said the two countries should continue to strengthen high-level exchanges and conduct dialogues in various fields.
"From this year on , I have met many times with Chinese leaders, including president Xi Jinpin, Premier Li Keqiang. The close exchanges between leaders of the two countries will help to improve the bilateral relationship and ensure regional peace and prosperity."Besides economic and trade cooperation, the two leaders also talked about regional situation.
Premier Li Keqiang said that he appreciated the efforts made by South Korea to ensure regional stability and prosperity.
"The visit aims to help boost bilateral ties between China and South Korea. At the same time, I will attend the 6th trilateral summit between China, South Korea and Japan. South Korea is the coordinator of the trilateral cooperation. I appreciate the contribution made by the president and her government to restart the China-South Korea-Japan meeting mechanism."The South Korean President said her country attaches great attention to China's important role in pushing forward the denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and maintaining the regional peace and stability.
For CRI, I'm Li Jianhua.
Trilateral summit to set foundation for further cooperation: ExpertA trilateral summit involving China, South Korea and Japan is due to be held later today in the South Korean capital.
The meeting will bring together the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The summit will be the first of its kind in three years.
For more on the outcome of the summit, our reporter Wang Mengzhen earlier spoke with Yang Xiyu, an expert on Korean affairs with the China Institute of International Studies.
…Back Anchor:
That was Yang Xiyu with the China Institute of International Studies speaking with CRI's Wang Mengzhen.
Russia promises thorough investigation into plane crash in EgyptAnchor:
The Egyptian authorities say they believe there is no survivors from the Russian passenger flight which crashed yesterday in the Sinai Peninsula.
As the cause of the tragedy is being investigated, the authorities in Egypt and Russia are also denying claims made by Islamic State militants that the plane was deliberately targeted.
CRI's Niu Honglin has the details.
The Kogalymavia airline flight came down just 23 minutes after taking off from Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh for the Russian city of St. Petersburg.
It's believed the plane had 224 people on board, 7 of whom were crew members. The Russian embassy is still to confirm the exact figures although 214 are believed to be Russian with three Ukrainian nationals, most were tourists.
The Egyptian Prime Minister said on Saturday there was "almost nil" chance of any survivors.
At the same time, Sherif Ismail also dismissed an IS claim that the plane was shot down by one of its affiliates operating in Sinai province.
"What will determine what happened is the analysis of the data in the black box and that of experts. However, up until this point, there are no indications that anything out of the ordinary happened on this aircraft. All we can say is that it happened due to technical problems and the team of experts are the ones who will be able to prove or deny this."Russia's Transport Minister is also on record saying that the claim "can't be considered accurate".
According to the Egyptian civilian aviation ministry, the plane was at an altitude of 9,450 metres when it disappeared from radar.
Security experts believe such an altitude would be beyond the range of shoulder-launched missiles known to be possessed by militants in Sinai.
The wreckage was found in Hassana, a mountainous area 35 kilometres south of Arish city.
The plane's two black box recorders have also been found.
Initial media reports suggested that the charter flight may crash due to technical problems.
However Egypt's Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamal said according to their records, there were no reports of any faults on the plane at any stage.
"If the pilot doesn't report any faults on the plane, all that will be carried out is routine maintenance checks on the plane before take-off. There were no reports that the airplane had faults, the checks done before take-off did not reveal anything. Up until the crash happened, we were never informed of any faults in the plane, nor did we receive any SOS calls."An investigation commission was established under the order of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and includes Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, who had already headed to Egypt.
Meanwhile, a criminal case was opened into the incident by the Investigative Committee to check on the compliance of laws on flight operating safety.
Aircraft manufacturer Airbus said in an online statement that the aircraft involved in the accident was produced in 1997 and operated by the Russia Metrojet Airline since 2012.
President Putin has declared today a national day of mourning because of the crash.
Egyptian authorities are currently preparing to receive the families of the victims.
As the cause of the incident is still being investigated, two major airlines, Lufthansa and Air France-KLM have decided to review their routes over the Sinai province.
For CRI, this is Niu Honglin.
NPC considers law aimed at charity transparencyAnchor:
Top legislators here in China are mulling over the country's first ever charity law, in an effort to increase transparency.
CRI's Guo Yan has more.
A draft being discussed by the National People's Congress would require charities to publicize clear information on their operations.
It says such information should be released at least once every three months.
Liu Zhenlai, one of the delegates to the top legislature, says such regulation is in accordance to increasing social demand.
"The public is concerned about the donation amount, how the donations are used and its efficiency and whether the donations really benefit people. Corruption and misconduct in charity have blown the reputation of charity career and had a bad influence in the society. Therefore I propose to emphasize the regulation of the charity behavior and fundraising, ensure transparency in charity and the public's supervision on charity."The charity sector in China has developed rapidly in the past decade, with the amount of donations ten times that of 10 years ago.
The sector has also been boosted by the Internet and the popularization of social media in recent years.
It's been reported that last August, posts on social media platforms about the Ice Bucket Challenge were read 4.5 billion times here in China, with some 8 million yuan, or 1.2 million US dollars being raised.
Lawmakers at the NPC session also believe that with the spread of online donation platforms, special stipulation on online fundraising is also necessary.
NPC delegate Sun Baoshu is one of them.
"The current draft mainly regulates and supervised the formal charity organizations, activities and trust with charity aims, which is relatively narrow in legislation. Actually charity is diversified. A lot of informal charity organizations and activities exist in daily life, for example the online charity activities and some unregistered micro charity groups. So we should add the new content into the charity law."Social concerns on charity fraud have become a media highlight after a recent case in east China's Anhui Province.
A local resident in Anhui, named Li Juan was seriously bitten by a dog in a kennel owned by her boyfriend, Zhang Hongyu.
However, Zhang falsely claimed on the Internet that Li was hurt when trying to save a girl from dogs and raised about 800,000 yuan in donations.
Later, media investigations exposed the fraud and police detained Zhang.
NPC delegate Li Andong suggested that harsher punishment should also be included in the charity law.
"This case is not individual and similar cases happen now and again. In order to improve the charity environment, we should prohibit and punish such donation cheat behaviors. The current charity draft has included some regulations but not in focus. So I suggest clearly defining and providing this in the law."The draft under-debate also includes provisions to guarantee volunteer rights and ensure that charity groups, donors and beneficiaries enjoy taxation favors.
According to official numbers, China has nearly 3,000 registered nonprofit groups that manage charitable donations as of the end of 2012, up nearly 16 percent year on year.
For CRI, this is Guo Yan.
Chinese cult leader gets life in prisonA man in southern China who formed a psuedo-sect of Buddhism has been sentenced to life in prison by the courts in the city of Zhuhai in Guangdong.
Wu Zeheng, founder of "Huazang Zongmen," has been convicted of organizing an illegal cult, rape, fraud, and the production and sale of harmful foods.
Three of his followers have also been given sentences of up to 4-years in prison for fraud and perverting the course of justice.
48-year-old Wu Zeheng had been promoting his psudeo-religious movement as a lofty sect of Buddhism.
He personally claimed to be the successor of several eminent monks.
He managed to amass over 1-million US dollars through his followers.
Wu Zeheng says he plans to appeal.
First high-speed rail tunnel from Chinese inland to Hong Kong cuts throughThe first high-speed rail tunnel linking the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong has been cut through.
The 3,886-meter tunnel runs from Shenzhen City, south China's Guangdong Province to the Mai Po district of Hong Kong.
The Shenzhen section of the tunnel has been constructed to Chinese standards, with the section in Hong Kong built under European standards.
Wu Xiangong is from the China Railway Group Company which is responsible for the construction of the tunnel's mainland section.
"We realized seamless joint of Chinese standards and European standards in the two rail tunnel sections and we can use the experiences in future opportunities of tunnel constructions in Europe and even America. And through this practice we can find some ways that conform to the 'going global' strategy."The project is part of the underground high-speed rail linking Shenzhen to Kowloon.
Hong Kong will construct the Mai Po-Kowloon section.
The Shenzhen-Kowloon high-speed rail will be connected to the already operating Beijing-Shenzhen rail line.
The journey time from Beijing to Hong Kong will be cut from the current 20 hours to around nine hours.
Syrians to decide on President Assad's future: UN headThe head of the United Nations is calling for a continuous diplomatic effort to solve the Syrian crisis.
The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made the remark following the talks in Vienna this week with international powers which aimed to revive a Syrian political process to end the war.
More than a dozen diplomats from countries including the US, Russia and Iran agreed to ask the United Nations to initiate a political process, that hopefully could lead to a ceasefire and elections in Syria.
Ban Ki-moon has said he welcomed the outcome, stressing that further effort should not be held up by uncertainty over the future of the Syrian President Bashar Assad.
"The future of Syria, or future of all these peace talks, Syrian-led negotiations should not be held up by an issue of a future of one man. Basically, I believe that it is up to the Syrian people who have to decide the future of President Bashar Assad."He was speaking in Geneva after meeting with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer.
Both men urged greater respect for international humanitarian law in the wake of recent attacks on health centres in conflict zones this year.
Iran willing to work with international community to solve Syrian crisis – Iranian FMIran's Foreign Minister says his country is willing to work with the international community to end the conflict in Syria.
Mohammad Javad Zarif's comments follow this week's international talks on the Syrian crisis in Vienna.
Iran, a key ally of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was a party to the international talks for the first time.
"What we need is a recognition by everybody that terrorism and extremism cannot be used, even as temporary assets for anybody. That we need to all unite in fighting against Daesh and other extremist organisations. And we also need to accept, all of us, that the future of Syria can only be determined by the Syrian people."While no declaration has been made out of the meeting in Vienna, it's being reported the Iranian side has proposed a 6-month transition period to allow for nationwide elections to be held in Syria.
Its unclear at this point whether Damascus will back the proposal.
Over 4-years of fighting in Syria has left over 250-thousand people dead and 10-million others displaced.
It's also helped incubate the formation of the so-called Islamic State, which now controls significant portions of Syria's northern and western regions.
Israeli soldiers kill one Palestinian in West BankMedical officials in the West Bank say a Palestinian man has been shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the city of Jenin.
A spokeswoman for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said Israeli soldiers opened fire at a young Palestinian man at an army barrier.
The Israeli police say the man tried to stab an Israeli border police officer before he was shot.
71 Palestinians have been killed and more than 2000 wounded by Israeli security forces since early October.
Meanwhile, 11 Israelis have been killed in a series of stabbing and shooting attacks in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Israel.
The wave of tension followed Israeli measures at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in east Jerusalem, which were strongly rejected by the Palestinians.
Turks head for snap poll with little hope for changeTurkey's political leaders end their campaigns ahead of Sunday's snap parliamentary elections, which opinion polls predict will result in another hung parliament.
Tensions have risen anew in the run-up to today's vote which is seen as critical to President Tayyip Erdogan's political future.
His Justice and Development Party, also known as the AKP, won the election in June but lost the power to form a single-party government.
Coalition talks with the opposition parties in the aftermath failed, prompting the president to call for a snap election.
The pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party made a shock entry into parliament by surpassing the 10 percent threshold for the first time in June, which stripped the ruling AKP of a majority.
2015 Milan Expo Comes to an EndThemed "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life," the 2015 Milan Expo has come to an end.
The expo examined human history through the lens of two aspects of food production, traditional cultural values, and the use of new technologies.
54 self-built pavilions representing a host of different nations were open during the expo.
Chief among them, the China Pavilion won the bronze award with its focus on pioneering spirit, touristic potential and cultural promotion of the Chinese rural world.
Wang Jinzhen, Vice-Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International trade, explained the architectural style of the China Pavilion.
"The China Pavilion is a great combination of ancient and modern Chinese architecture, which received recognition from visitors and high evaluation from experts. The bronze award won by the China Pavilion is really a great recognition for us."Kazakhstan will host the next international exposition focused on "Future Energy" in 2017.
Dubai, following Kazakhstan, will play host to the international expo under the theme "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future" in 2020.
A New York Restaurant Group to Introduce New Tipping PackageAnchor:
A major restaurant group in New York has announced it's scrapping tips for all of its 13 full-service venues in a bid to introduce what they describe as fairer pay for all their employees.
Despite a strong tradition in the United States of giving tips based on the quality of service - many in the industry are optimistic this move can bring about change and not just 'food for thought'.
William Denselow reports from New York.
Mina Ekhator has been waiting tables at Colors restaurant in New York since last year. Earning a base rate of $10 per hour without tips. And with many in the industry earning less than half that- she considers herself one of the lucky ones.
And Mina says staff shouldn't have to hope for a busy night to earn a decent wage.
"It's not good. It's very anxiety producing for the server and it even starts getting into dangerous lands where if someone if foreign people are a little hesitant to serve them because maybe they don't understand tipping culture."That's why CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group Danny Meyer wants to mix things up. While the group couldn't be reached for an interview- in a note sent to his 1,800 employees- Meyer states that hospitality is a team game and all staff should share in a restaurants success.
And he believes that eliminating tipping at his 13 full-service restaurants is the best way to achieve that.
And for Fekkak Mamdouh who co-founded the group Restaurant Opportunities Centers United- he says these workers deserve the same rights as any other profession.
"We are fighting the tip minimum wage, the $2.13 that exists. We want that to finish, we want to be like all other people that work in this country to have the same minimum wage. We want fair wage."Some estimate that servers at high-end restaurants in New York can earn upwards of six figures a year thanks to tips that often range between 15-20% per meal.
But Danny Meyer argues that all staff from hosts to dishwashers deserve a fair cut.
Now with his meals set to cost about 30% more to cover the loss in tips- Behavioral expert at New York University Lee Igel says he believes customers will be willing to swallow the cost.
"No matter how much we think people don't like change, we deal with it every day through a life span so changes come, it's actually pretty normal to experience some sort of change and when it comes to something like tipping, we'll all adjust."The Modern at the Museum of Modern Art is the first restaurant to cut tips in late November with Meyer's other establishments set to follow suit in the coming months. Now restaurant workers hope customers are willing to stomach the change.
For CRI, I'm William Denselow in New YorkUS to Launch Program to Reenact Hump Airlift Route of WWIIA ceremony is set to take place in just over a couple of weeks to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the disbanding of the India-China Division of the US Army Air Force.
This was the division which flew "The Hump" to supply Chinese forces battling the Japanese invasion during World War II.
"The Hump" is the name pilots used to describe their flight over the Himalayas from bases in eastern India and today's Myanmar into southeastern China.
To commemorate the years of effort, a C-47 which flew during the War is going to make the trip, once-again, from Kokata, in India to Guangxi's capital, Guilin, on November 17th.
WeatherBeijing is sunny today with a high of 17 degrees Celsius, cloudy tonight with a low of 3.
Shanghai sees little rain with a high of 17, cloudy tonight with a low of 13.
In Chongqing, it is cloudy with a high of 15, clear tonight with a low of 14.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad, overcast on Sunday with a high of 25.
Kabul, overcast with a high of 15.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 8 degrees.
Washington, overcast with a high of 9 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 26.
Toronto will see some rain with a high of 8 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be overcast with a high of 9.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 24 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina and South Korea vow to expand cooperationChina and South Korea have pledged to strengthen cooperation in various fields and explore new growth points for regional peace and prosperity, as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met South Korean President Park Geun-hye in Seoul on Saturday.
A total of 17 business contracts and governmental accords have been signed at the witness of the two leaders.
As part of his time in South Korea, premier Li Keqiang is also attending a trilateral summit among Chinese, Japanese and South Korean leaders today.
The summit itself is expected to cover a wide range of topics, including economic and political ties.
Russia promises thorough investigation into plane crash in EgyptThe Egyptian Prime Minister said on Saturday there was "almost nil" chance of any survivors from the Russian passenger flight which crashed yesterday in the Sinai Peninsula.
As the cause of the tragedy is being investigated, the authorities in Egypt and Russia are also denying claims made by Islamic State militants that the plane was deliberately targeted.
The Kogalymavia airline flight came down just 23 minutes after taking off from Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh for the Russian city of St. Petersburg.
It's believed the plane had 224 people on board, 7 of whom were crew members.
The wreckage was found in Hassana, a mountainous area 35 kilometres south of Arish city.
The plane's two black box recorders have also been found.
An investigation commission was established under the order of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
President Putin has declared today a national day of mourning because of the crash.
SW China earthquake damages over 12,000 housesOver 12-thousand homes have been damaged following a 5.1-magnitude earthquake Friday evening in the southwestern part of Yunnan.
The epicenter was located near the small town of Datianba, close to the border with Myanmar, shortly before 8pm on Friday at a shallow depth of just 10-kilometers.
No casualties have been reported.
However, some 850 people have been forced from their homes.
Relief crews have been sent into the region.
Airstrike kills 12 Taliban including key commander in eastern Afghan provinceAfghan authorities say a dozen Taliban militants, including a key commander, have been killed in air raids in the eastern part of Afghanistan.
Local officials say Mullah Manan had been commanding Taliban militants in Ghazni and adjoining provinces.
They say his elimination will be a major setback to the Taliban.
Taliban militants have been in-control of parts of the region for the past 8-years.
Sci&TechWeekly Sci-Tech ReportAnchor:
It's time for our weekly Sci-Tech feature.
In this week's report - how the movement of a chameleon's eyes inspired scientists to produce multiple cameras and the unexpected discovery of oxygen molecules on a comet.
Here's CRI's WenjieReporter:
A group of Israeli biologists say they've managed to disprove a long-held belief that Chameleon's eyes work independently from one-another.
Doctor Hadas Ketter-Katz with the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Haifa say they've discovered a chameleon's eye-movements are actually co-ordinated.
"We assume that the brain controls each eye independently with independent units of eye movements but there is a higher level of control that can co-ordinate these two. So each eye knows exactly what the other eye sees and vice versa."Researchers in Israel used a type of computer game to try to trick the chameleons by having a single object begin splitting apart on the screen, much like humans experience when they cross their eyes.
But instead of the chameleon’s eyes focusing on the two separate objects, the researchers have found the animals would re-train their eyes on one target a nano-second before they snapped their tongues out at their would-be digital meal.
Ketter-Katz says their research could lead to breakthroughs in robotics and tracking technology.
"By our results here, our documented results here, some algorithm may be written in order to switch cameras around. It can be two, three multiple cameras, ten cameras, it doesn't matter, with a different scan pattern according to the scan pattern of the chameleons which is proved to be very efficient."Chamelons are some of the more advanced predators in the animal kingdom, given their unique eyes and their ability to change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings.
==A pair of entrepreneurs who started out as would-be treasure hunters are now taking the next steps in the development of technology which can allow people to personally explore ocean depths once only accessible to those with high-tech equipment.
"There was this story that there was a robbery and gold was thrown to the bottom of this underwater cave and all of these treasure hunters and scuba divers, no one was able to get to the bottom, so Eric has this big idea that he was going to build this underwater robot to go explore."David Lang is the co-founder of Open ROV.
He and partner Eric Stackpole have set up Open ROV to manufacture underwater drones.
Their latest project, Trident, uses smartphone technology to allow a drone to send video signals, temperature information, depth and directions to a user through a tether tied to a buoy floating at the surface.
David Lang says while they're designing their technology for the average person to use, he says professional ocean researchers are starting to use their cut-rate technology.
"Ocean science and exploration is really tragically underfunded and there are all sorts of people that are stuck in this post-docalypse who are trying to get the research done with very limited budgets and so this tool has become great for them."Open ROV's projects have been financed through some 740-thousand US dollars they've raised using the crowd funding website Kickstarter.
==A district in the city of Malmo, Sweden has been transformed into a green area thanks to a series of green projects.
Local homes in the area are being installed with wind turbines and solar panels, which provide electricity and district heating.
People living in the homes are able to use an app to monitor how much energy they're consuming.
The app also controls lighting and heating inside their homes.
Even though each house is not entirely self-sustainable, the mix of self-produced electricity is helping reduce each home's carbon footprint.
Christer Larsson is the planning director for the city of Malmo.
"100 percent renewable energy sources, locally produced, in a very interesting energy system with the aquifer, the windmills, solar panels, photovoltaic and so on. But if we are talking about the district as a whole, the 100 hectares, we are not really ready there. But we have a goal that the city as a whole should be climate neutral at 2030."Over the past 15 years, the West Harbor district of Malmo has won several prestigious awards, including the UN-Habitat Award in 2010, as well as first prize in the Livable Communities Awards in 2007.
==An Australian charity is using dogs to make a difference in the health of elderly patients and people with disabilities.
The idea is that the simple act of petting a friendly dog can reduce stress and make patients' lives a little better.
Sue Jennings is a volunteer who brings her therapy dog to the Emmerton Park Aged Care center in the community of Smithton in northwestern Tasmania.
"Tash is really good. She's quite happy to work the crowd for a pat." "They love having a pat with the dogs. It's a well known thing that if people can stroke and pat dogs, particularly in their last few years, that it's beneficial to their health."Emmerton Park Leisure and Lifestyle coordinator Dave Dunkerley says these dogs are especially helpful for patients with dementia.
"Particularly with dementia you can get some undesirable behaviours at times. Of course they can't help it, but the dogs tend to lessen the behaviours."While there are plenty of therapy dogs in the south of Tasmania, there are still a significant lack of therapy dog teams in the north of the Australian island-province.
==The European Space Agency has announced its has detected oxygen molecules coming from a comet.
The unexpected discovery may challenge theories about the formation of the Solar System.
European space officials say they believe the oxygen molecules were absorbed into the comet during its formation.
It would represent the first time oxygen molecules have been found coming from a comet.
Researchers say more experiments will be needed to determine what the detection of the oxygen really means.
==UK scientists are building a device to collect samples from the ocean's "twilight zone," and suggest their research may shed light on how to better predict climate change.
The so-called "Twilight zone" is an area between 100 and 1000 metres below the surface of the ocean, which doesn't get any sunlight.
Dr Stephanie Henson with a climate-change research team in the UK says they're hoping to build an instrument that can help them collect "marine snow.""Marine snow is composed of dead phytoplankton which sort of clump together to form flakes and then they're heavy enough to sink down into the deep ocean. It can also be formed of little animals which eat the little plants and then they poop out that carbon, and then their faecal pellets are very heavy and they sink down to the bottom of the ocean, also carrying lots of carbon with them."The research team has invented a device called a PELAGRA to collect the samples, and are planning to test the robotic device in two separate missions in the Southern Atlantic.
They hope the research will provide a better understanding of how important it is to remove CO2 from the air.
The UK team says they hope their work may also lead to more advanced computer climate models that can more accurately predict future climate change.
==And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology feature.
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the show.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsGuangzhou Evergrande retains CSL champions titleIn football:
Guangzhou Evergrande became the Chinese Super League champions after a 2-0 win over Beijing Guoan on Saturday.
The game was hosted in Beijing and Guangzhou's head coach Luiz Scolari knew that a win would keep his team on top of the super league.
The runner up was rivals, Shanghai SIPG.
After the game, Scolari stated that his team's success couldn't have happened without the help of others.
"My involvement in winning this championship, if I need to tell you a portion, I would say I share the credit with all my coaching staff and players and I just did what a coach needs to do. Please don't forget that this team that I am coaching now has been building after years of effort. The achievement of this championship, or this consecutive title in five years, shall not only be credit to us, but also our predecessors at the club."Scolari's team has become champions for the fifth time in a row.
The win also continued Guangzhou's unbeaten record under Scolari to 21 competitive matches.
The 66-year-old Brazilian will now set his sights on the AFC Champions League, as his side takes on UAE's Al Ahli in the two-legged final beginning on 7 November.
New Zealand retains Rugby World Cup Titleand the Rugby World cup has concluded:
New Zealand has become the first nation to retain the Rugby World title after beating Australia 34-17 in the final at Twickenham on Saturday.
It would be Dan Carter kicked New Zealand into an early lead before Bernard Foley leveled in kind for the Wallabies.
Sekope Kepu then took out Dan Carter with a high tackle.
Carter kicked over to make it 6-3 before adding another to make it 9-3.
Australia could barely get out of their own half and New Zealand scored the first try just before the break.
In the second half, the All Blacks crossed again thanks to a wonderful individual try which put them ahead 21-3.
As the match progressed, the All black would stay on top.
The final score of the match was 34-17 with portion of that coming from MVP Dan Carter's conversion.
After the game Steve Hansen said a few nice words about the Australian squad.
"I would like to say, on behalf of myself and the team, I thought Australia were magnificent in the way they approached the game. They never laid down. At 21-3, you could be fooled into thinking that the game was over but that came back and at 21-17 they could have easily won the back. From our point of view, we'd like to acknowledge them for being the opponents they were. Whilst we are very proud of what we have achieved, as a group we would like to say well done to Australia as well."The next Rugby World Cup will kick off in Japan in 2019.
The RWC committee has already released the official logo for the next tournamentKvitova beats Sharapova to advance to SIngapore finalsIn tennis:
Petra Kvitova has entered the WTA Finals after outplaying Maria Sharapova 6-3, 7-6 in Saturday's semi-final.
Kvitova is one match away from her second WTA Finals title.
The first few games were tightly contested but a break for Kvitova in the seventh game would lead to her claiming the opening set 6-3.
Sharapova fought back in the second to gain a 5-1 lead.
But Kvitova pushed the set to a tiebreak, taking seven of eight points from 0-2 down to close out the match 6-3, 7-6.
Standing between Kvitova and a second WTA Finals title to add to her 2011 victory is Agnieszka Radwanska, who trails their head-to-head series 2-6.
Federer & Nadal face off in Swiss Indoors Finaland in more tennis news:
Top seeds Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal will meet in the final of the ATP Swiss Indoors after both men won their semi-final matches on Saturday.
Third seed Nadal beat fifth seed Richard Gasquet 6-4, 7-6, despite dropping the opening game in both sets.
Nadal seemed to be in trouble trailing 3-4 in the opener and called for a trainer at the changeover.
The Spaniard returned with tape below his right knee and proceeded to break Gasquet's serve and clinch the first set.
A tense tie-break ensued in the second, but Nadal claimed five of the last six points to emerge as the winner after two hours and five minutes on court.
Nadal's victory improves his head-to-head advantage over Gasquet to 14-0.
and for Roger Federer:
The swiss tennis star had a smoother path to the final as he played unseeded opponent Jack Sock.
Eventually the hour long match would see Federer win with a 6-3, 6-4.
The final between Nadal and Federer will take place on Sunday.
Dubuisson and Zyl lead at Turkish Airlines OpenIn golf news:
Victor Dubuisson and Jaco Van Zyl hold the joint lead after the third round of the Turkish Airlines Open on Saturday.
Weather conditions were prime as the third day of the tournament continued in Antalya.
Currently second place is being shared by Rory MacIlroy and Kirdach Aphibarnrat at 15 over-all.
After playing his holes, MacIlroy speculated with the press about what needs to happen for him to win.
"I am not sure 20-under is going to be good enough. I will be setting myself a target a little lower than 20 and go from there, but with the guys who are up there on the leaderboard, there are so many birdies chances out here someone could catch fire and go to 22, 23 out there and hopefully that's going to be me."In first is Zyl and Dubuisson with a 16 over all.
The two golf players will start together in the final group on Sunday.
Entertainment'Star Wars' fans and cosplayers flock to the 'Star Wars Fan Phenomenon' exhibition in Hong Kong"Star Wars" fans and cosplayers flocked to Times Square in Hong Kong yesterday to celebrate the "Star Wars Fan Phenomenon" exhibition.
Followers of the series spoke of their excitement for the new installment "Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.""The movie is directed by a new director. The previous director was George Lucas and now it's J.J. Abrams. He is more creative. I hope I can get what I want when the movie is released.""As I've been watching six episodes directed by George Lucas, I can predict some of his concepts. Perhaps the new director can give me some surprises with something I can't guess.""The happiest thing is to take pictures and seeing Kylo Ren."The exhibition attracted more than 50 costumed fans, whose flashing light-sabers drew the attention of the crowds.
Die-hard adult fans and children as young as six dressed up as characters from the franchise, including Darth Vader, Stormtroopers and new villain Kylo Ren.
"Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens" is released on December the 17th in Hong Kong and on the 18th in the U.S, while fans in Chinese mainland may see it in January next year.
Reece Witherspoon Honored with the 29th American Cinemateque AwardOne of Hollywood's favorite sweethearts, Reese Witherspoon, has just been honored with the 29th American Cinematheque Award.
Witherspoon, accompanied by two of her kids at the event, expressed her happiness about the award and also her career.
"Well I think it's a good time to stop and just look back and reflect on my life. There has been a lot of things that happened and sometimes you don't take the time to notice--to sit and notice-- also to give back to this wonderful community I grew up in. I grew up in this business since I was 14 when I made my first movie so it's great for my kids to see what a great community it is."Witherspoon won a Best Actress Oscar for her performance in "Walk the Line" and was nominated for "Wild." Before that, she was best known for the cult hit "Legally Blonde." The actress remembers the moment when she decided to become a stronger presence in Hollywood.
"Probably about three years ago I was looking around and noticing there weren't as many leading roles for women in movies and my husband at the same time was like-- why don't you just start buying these books? You read more books anybody I know so he really encouraged me to start my own when the production company. The first two films were 'Gone Girl' and 'Wild' and it just sort of took off from there."Witherspoon launched her production label Pacific Standard with Bruna Papandrea in 2012 with the specific intention of finding more great roles for females, and telling more stories about women.
Tokyo Film Festival Closes with Top Prize Going to Brazilian MovieThe 28th Tokyo International Film Festival closed on Saturday with the top prize going to Brazilian film "Nise -- The Heart of Madness," while a Chinese film won a special prize for new directors, and Chinese director John Woo won the SAMURAI Award.
During the 10-day run, 16 works selected from more than 1,400 movies from 86 countries and regions, competed in the main section for the top prize. Brazilian film "Nise -- The Heart of Madness" was the final winner.
In the Asian Future section, the Spirit of Asia Award by the Japan Foundation Asia Center went to "A Simple Goodbye," a work of female director Degena from China's Inner Mongolia, while Thailand's "The Island Funeral" won the Best Asian Future Film Award.
Earlier in the week, the festival presented Hong Kong director John Woo and Japanese director Yoji Yamada with the SAMURAI Award, which was launched last year to "commend achievements of filmmakers who continue to create groundbreaking films that carve out a path to a new era."The Tokyo International Film Festival was founded in 1985 as Japan's first major film festival.
Chinese Element Highlighted China Fashion WeekChinese brocade, embroidery and silk have dazzling audiences at China Fashion Week in Beijing.
And designers are now going further by tailoring the outfits for ordinary people to wrap China on their bodies.
One of the shows featured the pattern of Haishui Jiangya, a Chinese style mountain and sea print representing immense fortune and longevity.
During the event, more than 90 brands and companies and some 200 designers are presenting their work. The fashion week comes to a close today.
WeatherBeijing is sunny today with a high of 17 degrees Celsius, cloudy tonight with a low of 3.
Shanghai sees little rain with a high of 17, cloudy tonight with a low of 13.
In Chongqing, it is cloudy with a high of 15, clear tonight with a low of 14.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad, overcast on Sunday with a high of 25.
Kabul, overcast with a high of 15.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 8 degrees.
Washington, overcast with a high of 9 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 26.
Toronto will see some rain with a high of 8 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be overcast with a high of 9.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 24 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A recap of your headlines:
Leaders of China, South Korea and Japan, gather in Seoul for top level talks.
No survivors from the Russian jet crash over Egypt.
And breakthrough for the new high speed rail tunnel linking Hong Kong with the Chinese Mainland.
Sport... Victory for Guangzhou Evergrande in the Chinese Super LeagueAnd in Entertainment - Star Wars fans dressed to impress in Hong Kong.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers: I'm Bob Jones in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together.