新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/11/04(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour (Monday-Friday) Evening EditionPaul James with you on this Wednesday, November 4, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
It's been revealed the top leaders from the mainland and Taiwan are set to take part in a historical meeting this coming weekend in Singapore.
Observers suggesting personal consumption will have to be the focus to keep the economy growing at a heathly rate over the next 5-year plan.
The remains of a number of Chinese soliders killed in Myanmar during the War are being repatriated to China this week.
In Business... HKEx rebuffing earlier reports a Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect system will be running before year's end.
Sports... Roger Federer in action tonight at the Paris Masters tournament.
In entertainment.... Shanghai set to play host to a film event featuring films from Singapore.
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways that you can reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
You can follow us on our weibo account at
using WeChat: search "beijinghour"Email us directly at [email protected].
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TopXi-Ma Meeting Scheduled for SatAnchor:
The top leaders from the mainland and Taiwan are set to hold a historic meeting this coming weekend in Singapore.
Xi Jinping is scheduled to hold talks with Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou as part of a planned session in Singapore this coming Saturday.
This will be the first time the leaders of both sides have met since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.
For more on this historic meeting, we're joined on the line by CRI senior political analyst Lin Shaowen.
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Lin Shaowen, CRI's senior political analyst.
Ambassador on Xi's Visit to SingaporeChina's ambassador to Singapore, Chen Xiaodong, says Chinese President Xi Jinping's time there later this week is going to include a new definition of the bilateral relationship between China and Singapore.
"To better develop the bilateral relationship, the two sides have agreed it's necessary to redefine the relationship that has been advancing and becoming more inclusive than ever."Xi Jinping is set to arrive in Singapore on Friday after spending 2-days in Vietnam.
Chen Xiaodong notes Xi Jinping's time in Singapore is a reciprocal visit to the one Singaporian President Tony Tam made to China earlier this year.
"The reciprocal visits by the two heads of state upon the 25th anniversary of the diplomatic relations help deepen the bilateral ties and cooperation in a large variety of areas. This will also lay a solid foundation for the development of the ties over the next 25 years."As part of his time in Singapore, Xi Jinping is also to inaugurate a Chinese cultural center.
Singaporean people, govn't looking forward to Chinese President's visitAnchor:
Chinese President Xi Jinping's forthcoming trip to Singapore this week is expected to help increase cooperation between the Chinese and Singaporian sides.
CRI's Li Jianhua has more.
Xi Jinping's time in Singapore, aside from his historic meeting with Taiwan's leader, is also expected to focus on the promotion of economic ties between China and Singapore.
China is already Singapore's largest trading partner.
However, many on the Singaporian side are hoping to take things further.
Teo Ser Luck, Singapore's former minister of Trade and Industry, says he expects there's going to be a push by the current governmetn in Singapore to have companies in the city-state look toward China for investment opportunities.
"China is a country that has a great appeal as a destination for investment; therefore we want to drive companies from various fields to invest in China. These include science and technology, information, logistics, aviation, and port administration."Singapore, as a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations, or ASEAN, also has a significant role to play when it comes to regional economic ties.
Halimah Yacob, Singapore's Parliamentary Speaker, says the government of Singapore is keenly aware of the role China plays in Southeast Asia. "China is a very big country, so obviously the steps that it takes, the contributions that it makes, has got a bearing on not just China itself or the Chinese people, but it has also a bearing on the region, which is in Asia."China's ambassador to Singapore, Chen Xiaodong, says Xi Jinping's forthcoming trip to Singapore is already getting a lot of attention.
"The Singaporean people I have have contact with, including government officials like the president, the prime minister, ministers, business people, media types, intellectuals from think tanks, and average people have been paying a lot of attention to President Xi Jinping's visit. They hope the visit will lift the China-Singapore relationship to a higher level and expand cooperation while marking the 25th anniversary of both countries' diplomatic ties."A series of agreements are expected to be signed during Xi Jinping's time in Singapore.
He's also due to meet with Singapore's top leadership, including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long and President Tony Tam.
For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.
Vietnam observers: bilateral economic cooperations highlighted in President Xi's upcoming tripAnchor:
Chinese President Xi Jinping's forthcoming trip this week is set to begin with a stop-over in Vietnam.
CRI's Yu Yang has more on some of the expectations on the social and economic fronts.
China has been Vietnam's largest trading partner of Vietnam for the past 11 years.
Last year, Vietnam became China's second largest trading partner inside ASEAN.
A lot of the trade between the two sides is border-trade.
Nguyen Van Binh is the vice chair of the People's Committee in the Vietnamese province of Lang Son, which borders Guangxi.
He says they're hoping Xi Jinping's upcoming visit might spur new opportunities.
"We hope President Xi's visit to Vietnam this time can bring Lang Son some new chances as well as enhance bilateral cooperation in imports and exports and deepen the friendship between Lang Son and Guang Xi."The province of Lang Son is considered a hub connecting trade among ASEAN countries moving goods into China.
Vietnam's Deputy Transport Minister Nguyen Hong Truong says trade through the area is going to be improved through the infrastructure projects currently being worked on.
"In the transport sector, there're many projects between Vietnam and China using Official Development Assistance from China such as the improvement of the railway signal system from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City and from Hanoi to Lao Cai. And now we are developing the urban railway Cat Linh-Ha Dong which is the first urban railway using ODA from China. And this urban railway will be operated from 2016."Apart from increased economic cooperation, its expected Xi Jinping's time in Vietnam is also going to include plans to promote cultural exchanges, particularly in the academic world.
Do Tien Sam, former head of Chinese studies with Vietnam's Academy of Social Sciences, says a focus on youth is expected.
"Because young people are the masters of the future for the two countries. So we should have activities regularly, expand our target audience, and the scale of these activates to make it a platform for them to communicate with each other."President Xi Jinping is due to spend two days in Vietnam before heading to Singapore.
For CRI, I am Yu Yang.
New 5-year plan stresses the role of consumption and innovationAnchor:
Observers looking-over the newly-released details of the next 5-year plan are suggesting the Chinese President's goal of maintaining growth of at least 6.5-percent during the coming 5-years will have to rely on both innovation and domestic consumption.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
As part of the now-concluded session of the CPC's Central-Committee meeting, Chinese policymakers have keyed on "quality growth" as the way to double the size of the economy by 2020.
The latest 5-year plan, which will be launched next year, is calling on personal consumption to take on a greater contribution in economic growth.
Cai Jin, vice-president of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, says steady growth in consumption will lay a solid foundation for the entire economy.
"Consumption helps drive economic growth, that in return helps improve people's incomes. Its beneficial to the economic cycle. It not only creates economic growth, but also helps improve livelihoods."It's being suggested the new two-child policy will also help bolster consumer spending.
Chinese authorities have announced the decades-old family planning policies are being amended to allow every couple in China to have a 2nd child if they choose.
This will allow millions of couples to have a 2nd child, adding to the economy through household spending on the additional mouth to feed.
At the same time, scientific and technological innovation is also being adopted as a core foundation of the next 5-year plan.
Large-scale scientific projects will be part of the mandate.
Wang Enge, vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is currently in-charge of nearly three-quarters of the large-scale scientific projects in China, says the new focus on science makes sense for a couple of reasons.
"For one thing, the country's economic development is going to need significant scientific and technological breakthroughs that can create new areas of growth. Large-scale scientific projects also promote the development of fundamental research and technical breakthroughs. But they're also a important platform which supports practical projects as well."The new 5-year blueprint for scientific development also puts an emphasis on establishing areas along the Yangtze River to supplement existing development centers in China's coastal area.
Mu Rongping, head of the CPC's committee in charge of the the Institute of Policy and Management, says too much reliance on China's coastal areas isn't good for large-scale developent.
"We have to move towards the central and western parts of the Yangtze River, from Chengdu and Chongqing to Wuhan and Zhutan to Hefei and to Nanjing. Then the central cities in these regions will play a more important role in the innovative development of the regions."Among the other measures outlined in the plans to maintain a 6 to 7-percent annual growth rate include the establishment of a Green Development Fund to promote clean production methods and sustainable growth.
The introduction of a more comprehensive income tax system and stricter regulations surrounding "grey" incomes are also going to be included in the next 5-year plan.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
China's continued opening up policy draws attention from foreign investorsAnchor:
Business observers overseeing the details of the new 5-year development plan are suggesting the call to expand foreign trade in China could be a boon for foreign investors looking to plant a toe-hold in the Chinese market.
CRI's XYee has more.
As part of the new 5-year plan being laid out, China's coastal areas will be given increased support to participate in global economic cooperation.
At the same time, advanced manufacturing bases and economic zones are going to continue to be created.
Existing border and cross-border economic zones will also be improved upon.
Kai Lucks, chair of Germany's Mergers and Acquisitions Association, says he believes the new goals provide a significant opportunity for his country.
"Companies have to look for growth opportunities and China is the biggest market in the future for many areas. This brings the Germans the chance to participate in the success of China. Furthermore, China has a very well built up and trained community of people. The training situation is very good; the people are very willing to work."Chinese observers say the new plans are also going to be a benefit for China.
Zhu Baoliang, chief economist with the State Council Information Centre, says an expansion of the "going out" policy should also include provisions to get more advanced technology into China to help increase economic growth.
"We need to go out to show how Chinese productivity can benefit companies operating overseas. We need to allow the 'going out' plan to help stimulate Chinese exports. But we also need to continue importing advanced technologies and equipment from overseas. Overseas technology can only help improve China's science and technology sector."Nicolas Berggruen is the founder of the 21st Century Council.
This is a working-group made up of former government officials and business leaders who act as an advisory council for countries around the world, including China.
Berggruen says the new 5-year plan should also include foreign policy initatives which allow China to become more inclusive on the world stage.
"China, as it rises in power, needs to be invited at all the tables, the important tables. So the world has a duty towards China to make China a participant, we need to include China. But China then also has a responsibility to participate as a responsible member of all these different organizations who have played a constructive role within a system that already exists. So that's the only way."The new 5-year plan, the 13th created since the formation of the PRC in 1949, is set to be officially adopted as China's new guiding policy at the annual political sessions in Beijing next year.
For CRI, this is XYee.
Taiwan Business Hopes to Benefit from New PlanAnchor:
Entrepreneurs from Taiwan are said to be looking forward to new opportunities on the mainland given the plans to support for small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups as part of the new 5-year plan.
CRI's Tu Yun has more.
As part of the new 5-year plan, the mainland leadership is promising more is going to be done to allow average people from Taiwan benefit from more cross-straits cooperation.
Zhong Shuling with the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in Taipai says this pledge is encouraging, especially for small business owners on the island.
"Previous polices have been widely criticized for only benefitting large-scale companies, leaving nothing for small and medium-sized firms. These new polices are aimed at giving a priority to smaller operations. It's really a response to the growing voice from the people of Taiwan, and we are grateful for that. "Zhong Shuling has made the comments while in Nanjing to attend the Zijinshan Summit.
This is a gathering of entrepreneurs from both the mainland and Taiwan designed to promote cross-strait trade.
This year's discussions are mainly focused on the ways to encourage small and medium-sized businesses and young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to work together to help promote the cross-strait economic cooperation.
Zeng Peiyan heads the mainland-based Council which sponsors the Zijinshan Summit.
"Small and medium-sized companes are critical when it comes to employment. Cooperation across the Strait should focus more on these companies, giving them more opportunities and financial support. Young businessmen are the driving force of cross-straits relations. Both sides should be making it easier for startups to get financial and technological support."Lin Huiying from the General Association for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Taiwan says entrepreneurs on the island should be looking more toward the mainland as an area to grow and develop.
"We hope Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises can take better advantage of the fast development of e-commerce on the mainland when tapping into cross-border trade. Authorities from both sides can establish joint projects to promote young business leaders."The Zijinshan Summit itself first began in 2008.
It includes sub-forums on a variety of topics, such as the macro-economy, energy and finance.
This year's session has attracted more than 800 business leaders and leading economists from the two sides.
The Silk Road initiative and the amalgamation of industries are also a topic of discussion.
The Zijinshan Summit is due to conclude on Thursday.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
State council releases rural reform measuresAgricultural management and rural collective property rights upgrades are also part of the next 5-year plan.
Reforms connected to the current land-use system are going to be rolled out as part of a pilot program.
Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the CPC Central Committee's Rural Working Group, says a number of new initiatives are being worked on.
"One is to revise and improve the property rights system in rural areas. The second is to create new ideas in managing rural businesses. A third is to improve national support for agriculture. We also hope improve rural-area administration and expand policies to help expand access for financing among farmers."At the same time, the CPC Rural Working Group is also working on a number of new policy initiatives.
Despite a growing trend toward urbanization in China, the agriculture sector in the country remains one of the key priorities for the government.
The first policy document the government releases on an annual basis has exclusively focused on rural China for decades.
China regrets failure to issue joint declaration at ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting-PlusA meeting of defense ministers from ASEAN and its partner countries, including China, has failed to release a planned joint declaration following its final session in Malaysia this week.
Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein says the lack of a joint declaration should not be viewed as a failure of the summit.
"What is important for the media is that we couldn't sign the JD (joint declaration) because there was no consensus. And it was a decision by ASEAN, decision, that because there was no consensus the JD was not signed. So it's ok. Because like I said we have other channels for us to discuss these other issues."The Chinese government says it "regrets" that draft declaration could not be put forwards.
China's Defense Ministry says it had reached a consensus with Malaysia and other ASEAN countries about the content of the document.
However, the Chinese side says some "individual countries outside the region" attempted to forcefully add content not discussed during the meeting into the declaration.
The Chinese statement does not say which side affected the declaration being issued.
This year's ASEAN Defense Minister's meeting has included the 10-countries in the ASEAN grouping, as well as China, Russia, the United States and Japan.
Chinese expeditionary soldiers' remains to be Returned from MyanmarThe remains of close to 350 Chinese soldiers killed during fighting in Myanmar are set to be repatriated tomorrow.
Their remains are heading back to China after a mass grave was discovered earlier this year in northern Myanmar.
The area saw major battles between Chinese and Japanese forces during World War Two.
A Chinese NGO organized a search for the remains of the missing soldiers in April.
Ling Yubin, whose grandfather was killed in the fighting, is among those who found the grave site.
"At that time, my grandfather had just graduated from the Huangpu Military Academy. He died at the age of 31, two or three years younger than I am now. I have had a wish since I was young to bring my grandfather to his homeland."The remains of the Chinese troops are among some 100-thousand Chinese troops who were sent into today's Myanmar to fight the Japanese in 1942.
Nearly half were killed or injured before being forced to retreat back into China or northern India.
WeatherBeijing will have slight rain tonight with a low of 9, tomorrow will be rainy with a high of 10.
Shanghai will be rainy tonight with a low of 17, tomorrow will also be rainy, high of 24.
Chongqing will have slight rain with a low of 17, riany tomorrow with a high of 20.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 1, tomorrow will be cloudy with a high of 15.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will have slight rain with a high of 21.
Kabul, cloudy, 12.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, slight rain, high of 24,Brisbane,rainy,29,Perth, overcast, 26,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 18 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsXi-Ma meeting "milestone" for cross-Strait relationsLeaders from the mainland and Taiwan are set to hold a historic meeting in Singapore on Saturday.
Mainland officials are describing the impending meeting between Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou as a "milestone" for cross-Strait relations.
The meeting will be the first time leaders from the mainland and Taiwan will meet since the foundation of the PRC in 1949.
The meeting on Saturday is being hailed as a major step toward ensuring stability in the region.
China regrets failure to issue joint declaration at ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting-PlusThe Chinese government says it "regrets" the failure of ASEAN Defense Ministers to issue a planned joint declaration following their sessions this week.
China's Defense Ministry says it had reached a consensus with Malaysia and other ASEAN countries about the content of the document.
However, the Chinese side says some "individual countries outside the region" attempted to forcefully add content not discussed during the meeting into the declaration.
The Chinese statement does not say which side affected the declaration.
This year's ASEAN Defense Minister's meeting has included the 10-countries in the ASEAN grouping, as well as China, Russia, the United States and Japan.
China urges U.S. to stop actions threatening China's sovereignty, security interestChina's Defence Minister has issued a new call for the United States not to take further action that threatens Chinese sovereignty and security.
Chang Wanquan has made the statement while meeting with US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter on the sidelines of ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meetings.
In making the statement, Chang Wanquan says the move last week by the US Navy undermines regional peace and stability.
He also says the Chinese people and military will not allow anyone to infringe on China's sovereignty and interests.
The US Navy sailed one of its ships within 12-nautical miles of Chinese-controlled territory in the Nansha Islands without prior approval from the Chinese side.
Chinese authorities have issued a strong political rebuke to the move, calling in the US ambassador in-protest.
China's legislature ratifies AIIB agreementChinese lawmakers have ratified the creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
The National People's Congress Standing Committee have green-lighted the AIIB agreement at its current bimonthly session this Wednesday.
The document itself outlines the financial share each founding member has to put in, as well as rules on policymaking, the bank's governance structure, as well as its business and operational systems.
The Chinese-backed AIIB is meant to help finance infrastructure across Asia.
It currently has 57 founding members which are being asked to ratify the bank's foundation by the end of next year.
China launches new communication satelliteA new Chinese communication satellite has been put into orbit.
The "ChinaSat 2C" satellite is going to help increase radio and television coverage of Chinese broadcasts.
The satellite itself is owned by the China Satellite Communications Company.
Biz Reports Asian StocksAnchor:
Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers in Asia.
Joining us on the desk Luo Wen.
Chinese shares soared on Wednesday following the release of proposals for China's development from 2016 to 2020.
Market sentiment was also cheered by news that two top leaders from across the Taiwan Strait will meet on Saturday in Singapore to exchange views on promoting peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.
Companies that may benefit from the potential cooperation saw their prices up.
Shares of Fujian Cement and Xiamen ITG Group rose by the daily limit of 10 percent.
The surge also came after the release of the Caixin China General Services PMI, which came in at 52 in October, up from 50.5 in September.
At the close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index rose 4.3 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index gained 5.3 percent.
The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises surged 6.4 percent.
In Hong Kong, the Heng Seng Index climbed 2.2 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo shares ended notably higher as sentiment was boosted by a positive reception to the listing of Japan Post Holdings and its banking and insurance units.
Gainers were led by mining, insurance and oil and coal products.
The benchmark Nikkei added 1.3 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI edged up 0.2 percent.
Singapore's Straights Times index went up 1.4 percent.
And finally,Australia's ASX/200 closed flat.
No agreement on Shenzhen-HK Stock Connect: ExchangeHong Kong Exchanges and Clearing is rebuffing earlier reports confirming the creation of a Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect system.
HKEx says a final agreement has not been reached yet.
This comes after the mainland's central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan posted a report suggesting the new Connect system would be up-and-running before the end of the year.
The head of the PBOC is being quoted saying the Shenzhen Stock Connect, along with the Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect system, is further proof "the mainland capital market has been opening up to the outside world."HKEx has confirmed it's in discussions with its counterparts on mainland side connected to the establishment of the Shenzhen program.
The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect system was set up last year, which allows traders from the mainland and Hong Kong to trade shares listed on both exchanges.
A similar program linking Shanghai with the London Stock Exchange is also being considered.
China unveils guideline on reforming state-owned asset managementThe Chinese cabinet has unveiled new plans to restructure how state assets, including SOE's, are managed.
A new business entity is going to be established to deal with state equity, staffing and the movement of funds in SOE's.
At the same time, the government is promising to accelerate the elimination of outdated SOEs and dispose of inefficient assets.
State-funding is going to be eliminated from certian SOEs.
Others are going to go through a restructuring process.
China to develop green manufacturingAnchor:
Green manufacturing is also being highlighted as one of the priorities in the next 5-year plan.
As part of the move, traditional manufacturing is going to be pushed to take on a more environmentally-friendly path.
This will include the establishment of a low-carbon production system.
Businesses are also going to be given incentives to upgrade their technology.
A Green Development Fund is also going to be set up to promote clean production methods.
For more on this, CRI's Bob Jones spoke earlier with John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
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John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University speaking with CRI's Bob Jones.
Takata Chief Apologizes over Airbags ScandalJapanese airbag maker Takata has agreed to pay a 70 million US dollar fine to US regulators for its failure to tell authorities about defects it knew about in its airbags which it sold to automakers.
Takata CEO Shigehisa Takada has also issued a formal apology.
"We deeply apologise that we caused major damage and concern to the domestic and overseas users due to the recall related to the defect of Takata airbags. Once again, I convey condolences to those who died of the accidents related to the defect of Takata airbags and wish the early recovery for those injured. I am truly sorry."The faulty airbags have been linked to eight deaths and more than 100 injuries worldwide.
Its believed the initial 70-million US dollar fine may go up to as much as 200 million dollars if the US National Highway Safety Administration finds further violations.
HSBC launches large-scale retail CDsHSBC has become the first foreign bank to launch large-denomination certificates of deposit to retail customers on the mainland.
The bank is launching the large-sum CDs in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
The subscription minimum is 300-thousand yuan.
A certificate of deposit is essentially a savings bond issued by a bank which has a specified maturity date and a fixed interest rate.
It can be issued in any denomination.
The term of a CD generally ranges from one month to 5-years.
Nine banks, including the 'big-4' state lenders, started issuing large-scale CDs back in June.
Issuing certificates of deposits allows banks to secure capital outside the interbank market.
Standard Chartered cuts 15,000 jobs, raises 3.3 bln poundsStandard Chartered has announced its going to cut 15-thousand jobs by 2018.
The UK bank says this should help save it over 5-billion US dollars.
The job cuts are part of a restructuring plan which has been put out following a "disappointing" third-quarter loss.
Standard Chartered pre-tax quarterly loss came in at 139 million U.S. dollars through Q3.
This is in sharp contract to the 1.5 billion U.S. dollars profit the bank made during the same period last year.
At the same time, the London-listed company says it is going to invest more than 3 billion U.S. dollars over the next 3-years to upgrade its overall business operations.
SportsATP Paris Masters ResultsIn tennis,IN action from the ATP Paris Masters.
A series of 2nd round matches set to take place tonight, including 3rd seeded Roger Federer taking on Italian Andreas Seppi.
7th seeded Raphael Nadal is up against Lukas Rosol.
Andy Murray is in-action against Borna Coric.
Top seeded Novak Djokovic has the day off after downing Thomaz Bellucci yesterday, 7-5, 6-3.
As is 4th seeding-Stan Wawrinka, who got through yesterday after dumping Australian Bernard Tomic, 6-3, 7-6The Paris Masters is the final event before the top men's players in the world come together in London this year for the season-ending ATP Finals.
NBA ResultsThe Los Angeles Lakers remain winless on the season.
This, after the Denver Nuggets downed the Lakers 120-109 earlier this morning.
Kobe Bryant and his Lakers are 0-4 on the season, while Denver moves to 2-2.
In other action,Memphis downing Sacramento 103-89.
-It was Orlando over New Orleans 103-94.
-The Toronto Raptors remain undefeated so far this season, cruising past Dallas 102-91.
-Charlotte thumped Chicago 130-105.
-It was Atlanta edging Miami 98-92.
-Indiana handed Detroit its first loss of the season, dumping the Pistons 94-82.
-And it was Charlotte abusing Chicago 130-95.
Football Champions League continuesIn football,The last batch of Champions League matches to be played out this week are set for tonight.
Arsenal is set to take on Bayern Munich, while Barcelona entertains BATE Borisov.
-Chelsea will face Dynamo Kyiv, while KAA Gent goes against Valencia CF.
-Lyon is taking on Zenit St Petersburg, while Maccabi Tel Aviv will look for its first point as it takes on FC Porto.
-It's Olympiakos up against Dinamo Zagreb, and Roma will battle Bayern Leverkusen.
All those matches will get underway at 3:45am Beijing time.
FIFA hopeful speaks at New York EventFIFA presidential candidate Tokyo Sexwale has taken time to blast football's sponsors for the hard line it has taken amid the scandal which has rocked football's governing body.
Sexwale, a FIFA veteran from South Africa, is warning companies which sponsor football to take a step back.
"They must express concern it is their money, but I think they should have done it the Adidas way, express yourself, but don't threaten to pull out money."The comments come as FIFA looks within its own organization to head up the presidency, which is being vacated by Sepp Blatter.
Blatter is currently under investigation amid bribery allegations.
The vote to replace him has been tenatively set for the end of February.
Edmonton to lose rookie sensation for extended periodFrom the National Hockey League,The Edmonton Oilers may have lost their rookie sensation for an extended period of time.
Connor McDavid, who has been touted as the NHL's next super star, is believed to have suffered a broken collar bone in the Oilers' game this morning against the Philadelphia Flyers.
McDavid went hard into the end-boards during the Oilers' 4-2 victory over the Flyers, leaving with what the team is describing as a "long-term" injury.
The rookie sensation has 5 goals and 7 assists in the 13-games Edmonton has played this season.
Oilers' officials are expected to provide an update on McDavid's status sometime in the next day or two.
In other NHL action,It was Dallas over Boston 5-3.
Boston losing forward Chris Kelly for what's likely to be the rest of the season after fracturing his femur.
The team says he's likely to be gone for up to 8-months.
--The New York Islanders squeezed by New Jersey 2-1.
--The New York Rangers are continuing their hot play, handing Washington just their 3rd loss of the season, downing the Caps 5-2.
--Kyle Turris scored his 8th goal of the season to give Ottawa a 2-1 overtime victory over Montreal.
--Detroit got past Tampa Bay 2-1.
--The LA Kings continue their strong start to the season, downing the St. Louis Blues 3-0.
--It was Colorado doubling-up on Calgary 6-3.
--And it was Columbus earning just its 3rd win of the season, beating San Jose 5-2.
Kansas City Royals ParadeAn estimated 800-thousand people have turned-out to celebrate the Royals' World Series victory.
The massive parade has taken place to mark KC's first World Series win since 1985.
Series MVP Salvador Perez is among the Royals who took part in the parade.
"Thank you to be the best fans in the world. Today we're the number one in the whole world guys. Thank you!"The Royals dominated the AL central, winning it by 12 games, also putting up the best record in the American League.
Kansas City downed the New York Mets 4-games-1 in the Series for just the 2nd World Series victory in the team's history.
Mcllroy misses pro-am to recover from food poisoningIn Golf,Rory Mcllroy has spent his day holed up in his hotel room in Shanghai recovering from a stomach virus ahead of the HSBC Champions tournament.
Mcllroy was scheduled to take part in today's pro-am.
However, after knocking down just a few shots on the range, McIlroy had to call it a day after suffering from cramps.
The Northern Irishman says he fully expects to take part in this year's tournament.
Mcllroy has been Rickie Fowler and Dustin Johnson to start out the World Golf Championship tomorrow.
Female F1 Test Driver to retire after race of championsIt's being reported Williams test driver Susie Wolff is going to quit racing.
The 25-year-old is the only female driver with close links to F1.
She started working with Williams three years ago.
Before joining Williams, Wolff raced for 7-years in the German Touring Car Championship.
She made her first apperance for Williams in a practice session for last year's British Grand Prix.
Beijing Bird's Next Half Marathon starts on 8th NovThe final preparations are underway for the first-ever Bird's Nest Half Marathon.
Around 8-thousand people have registered to take part in the half-marathon, which is scheduled for Sunday.
The race will see the compeditors run around the Olympic Park before wrapping up the 21-kilometer event at the Bird's Nest.
Professional marathon runners from other countries are not being allowed to compete in the event.
EntertainmentShanghai to hold first Singaporean film showShanghai will hold an exhibition on Singaporean film from Nov. 11 to 15 for the first time in the city's history.
Five films will be displayed to introduce the culture and daily life of Singaporeans.
Comedy film "Ah Boys to Men" tells the story of a group of army recruits in the National Service in Singapore.
Family film "Ilo Ilo" won the Camera d'Or in 2013, the first Singaporean feature film to win an award at the Cannes Film Festival.
Singapore Consul General in Shanghai Ong Siew Gay said this year marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the film exhibition can hopefully offer Chinese audiences a close-up view of Singapore.
Fan Bingbing selected as one of the world's most stylish iconsChinese actress Fan Bingbing has been selected to represent Asia in a new book about fashion called "A Journey in Style."The book has been penned by Elizabeth Walker.
She's a former fashion and beauty editor with fashion magazine Marie Claire.
Her book documents the travelers, outfits and luggage that people have taken through London's Heathrow airport.
Walker says she chose the idea to show how celebrities dress in more normal occasions, rather than on the red carpet.
Fan Bingbing is the only celebrity from China to make it into the book.
The 34-year-old actress is listed as the 4th highest-paid actress in the world, according to Forbes magazine.
Disney Film Lost For 87 Years RediscoveredThe first-ever character animated by Disney, "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit" is set to be a star again.
This comes after one of the films he appears in has been rediscovered 87-years after it was produced.
"Sleigh Bells," a 6-minute animation, has been discovered by a researcher browsing an online database of the British Film Institute's archives.
The BFI says the find is believed to be the only surviving print of the 1928 film.
Walt Disney Animation Studios has since used the print to make a new master and digital copies.
A fully-restored version of "Sleigh Bells" is set to be shown next month as part of a collection of Disney shorts made from the 1930s to present day.
CeeLo Green to receive Outstanding Achievement prize at Mobo AwardsAmerican singer CeeLo Green is set to be honored at this year's Mobo, or Music of Black Origin Awards.
The 41-year-old is set to be given the Outstanding Achievement prize at the UK event.
Boyz II Men, TLC, Sean Combs and Mick Hucknall have won the award previously.
CeeLo will also be performing at the event, along with Rita Ora, Mark Ronson and Jess Glynne, among others.
Ora, currently a judge on The X Factor alongside Simon Cowell, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini and Nick Grimshaw, is up for Best Video for "Body On Me," which also features Chris Brown.
Mark Ronson, who has enjoyed success with "Uptown Funk," his collaboration with Bruno Mars, is nominated for Best Male Artist and Best Song.
Anne Hathaway, Keanu Reeves, Daniel Radcliffe Starring in 'The Modern Ocean'
Shane Carruth's new drama "The Modern Ocean" is set to include an impressive line-up of stars.
It's been confirmed Anne Hathaway, Keanu Reeves, Daniel Radcliffe, Chloe Grace Moretz, Tom Holland, Asa Butterfield, Abraham Attah and Jeff Goldblum are all on board.
Carruth will also be in the film.
Carruth's previous work includes "Upstream Color," which won the 2013 Special Jury Prize at Sundance.
He also won the 2004 Sundance Grand Jury Prize and the Alfred P. Sloan Prize for his film "Primer.""The Modern Ocean" is supposed to detail a cut-throat world of global shipping.
BBC to Turn Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" Fantasy Trilogy into drama seriesBritish novelist Philip Pullman's widely read and controversial fantasy trilogy "His Dark Materials" are being adapted into a television show.
The books have already been adapted for the stage, a radio play and a graphic novel.
A 2007 movie based on the first book in the trilogy, "The Golden Compass," disappointed at the box office.
This deflated plans to create a film series in the vein of "Lord of the Rings."New Line Cinema, which distributed the film, is helping produce the new TV adaptation, which is going to air on the BBC.
Former "Doctor Who" executive producer Julie Gardner and fellow television veteran Jane Tranter are also onboard with their company, Bad Wolf.
The trilogy, which takes its title from a passage in John Milton's "Paradise Lost," has sold some 17.5 million copies world-wide.
A premiere date or casting details have not been put out.
WeatherBeijing will have slight rain tonight with a low of 9, tomorrow will be rainy with a high of 10.
Shanghai will be rainy tonight with a low of 17, tomorrow will also be rainy, high of 24.
Chongqing will have slight rain with a low of 17, riany tomorrow with a high of 20.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 1, tomorrow will be cloudy with a high of 15.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will have slight rain with a high of 21.
Kabul, cloudy, 12.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, slight rain, high of 24,Brisbane,rainy,29,Perth, overcast, 26,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 18 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
It's been revealed the top leaders from the mainland and Taiwan are set to take part in a historical meeting this coming weekend in Singapore.
Observers suggesting personal consumption will have to be the focus to keep the economy growing at a heathly rate over the next 5-year plan.
The remains of a number of Chinese soliders killed in Myanmar during the War are being repatriated to China this week.
In Business... HKEx rebuffing earlier reports a Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect system will be running before year's end.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...