
   Recent research compare the sedentary behaviour to smoking, warning it could slash years from your lifespan. Now, researchers at the University of Texas, have added their weight to the argument. They found standing for up to six hours a day, can cut fat levels by a third.

  Being upright, rather than slumped at your desk, in front of the TV or on the train to work, for one quarter of the day is linked to a 32 percent decrease in the chance of becoming obese.
  They found that among men, standing a quarter of the time was linked to a 32 percent reduced likelihood of obesity (body fat percentage). Standing half the time was associated with a 59 percent reduced likelihood of obesity. But standing more than three-quarters of the time was not associated with a lower risk of obesity.
  In women, standing a quarter, half, and three quarters of the time was associated with 35 percent, 47 percent, and 57 percent respective reductions in the likelihood of waist size. The US scientists looked at the standing habits of more than 7,000 adults and compared their body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage and waist size.