英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1103 - 收个快递还要验明正身?(在线收听

 Topic1: China's Revised Criminal Law Takes EffectChild abuse, cheating on exams and rumor mongering on social media are now officially criminal offenses here in China. The revised law also lists the sexual assault of men as a crime. What are the main changes about the new amendments?

Topic2: Real-name Delivery ServicesFrom this month, people have to register their real names when sending a parcel via an express delivery company. The move is the latest measure to strengthen the safety management of express delivery services nationwide. Will there be any problems for implementing the new move?
Topic3: "Child-companion Moms" Hired for Left behind ChildrenA child companion project will be launched in southwest China's Sichuan Province. During the trial period, a so-called "child-companion mom" will be employed and trained in each of the 100 villages, to take better care of left-behind children. What are the requirements for a "child-companion mom"? Will this help solve some problems concerning left-behind children?
Topic 4: Map of LongevityA research shows senior citizens aged over 90 in China have nearly doubled in recent 10 years. China is entering an "era of longevity". Besides, a longevity map revealed lately shows people with long life spans cluster in certain areas. Why do people in those areas live longer?