英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1106 - 你会借钱给别人吗?(在线收听

 Topic1-Can Confucius Peace Prize Reflect Mainstream Society?

After Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was awarded the Confucius Peace Prize by a Chinese organization, debate was triggered in both the West and China. Later, Mugabe's spokesperson said that the president had decided to reject the prize. Is the Confucius Peace Prize a joke?
Topic2-Generosity Ranking of Chinese PeopleAre you a generous person? Here our only criterion is whether you are willing to lend money to friends or not.
Horizon Research Company and Credit Ease, a wealth and credit management company, have jointly published a survey on the Generosity Ranking of Chinese People. It finds that residents in Chengdu, Shanghai and Nanjing are champions of generosity. Really? Where does it put us Northerners?
Topic3-Li Yundi Concert in South KoreaChinese pianist Li Yundi's recent performance in South Korea has been making headlines, because of his temper blunders and reportedly bad attitude afterward. Should a performer stop and restart in a concert if his performance is not satisfactory?
Topic4-University Water-splashing FestivalA water-splashing festival in Huazhong University of Science and Technology has gone viral on weibo. Some criticize the festival has turned into an event of sexual harassment. Is this kind of campus culture acceptable?
Topic5-Highly-paid Cook Needed for Antarctic Research StationWould you be interested in becoming a chef, doctor, electrician for an Antarctic research station? And be paid tons of money? A job recruitment advertisement for these jobs in the Antarctic has attracted many people to apply. Is it going to be an easy and enjoyable job?