美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-11-12(在线收听

 1. President Obama met with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu where the two leaders discussed middle east security. This is the first time in more than a year the two have met face-to-face. The leaders minimized their difference and insisted they are not giving up on the pursuit of peace amid growing violence between the Israelis and Palestinians. 2. The president of university of Missouri system stepped down amid criticism of his handling of students complaining about race and discrimination. President Tim Wolfe urged students and faculties to use the right information, "Heal and Make the changes necessary". 3. Hilary Clinton filed her paperwork to run the New Hampshire's primary, making her the final major democratic candidate to throw in their hat. Clinton signed her declaration of intent with New Hampshire secretary of state Bill Gardner in Concord. 4. And an alligator dubbed godzilla was taken into a gator reserve to live out its days after it was found wandering outside a Huston area shopping center. A Forklift has been brought in to move it since the giant reptile tips the scale at more than 800 pounds. Emily Roseman, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.
