澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-11-16(在线收听

 There have been some major developments in the hunt for the Paris terrorists overnight. Thirteen people have been arrested including seven in Belgium. French police are searching for a man believed to be the eighth terrorist. He is 26-year-old Belgian-born Abdeslam Salah. Another attacker has been named a 29-year-old French Algerian Ismail Omar Mustefai. Polce have also identifed two cars used in the shootings, inclduing one found in Paris with AK 47 rifles still in the back seat. Main... memorials have been sprung up at the sites of the attacks in Paris. The death toll has risen to 130, and the French prime minister M. Mobiles says twenty to thirty bodies are yet to be identified. A service has been held in the Notre Dame Cathedral to remember the victims. The United States says it will intensify air attacks on the Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria as a direct result to the attacks in Paris. The White House says it will seek additional contributions from other partners including Australia. The G20 leaders held a minute silence at the opening of talks in Turkey. The Russian president Vladimir Putin has met his counter US counterpart Barack Obama for informal talks on the ...
